
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024
That famous messenger who arrived from the Beloved's land: Ghazal 60 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

آن پیکِ ناموَر که رسید از دیارِ دوست *** آورد حِرزِ جان ز خطِ مُشکبارِ دوست


دشمن به قصدِ حافظ اگر دم زند چه باک؟ *** مِنَّت خدای را که نیَم شرمسارِ دوست

English Translation: I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved, For I have committed a crime, yet I hope for His forgiveness. I know He will overlook my transgression, for though He may seem aloof, He is in fact a merciful angel. We wept so much that everyone …

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I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved: Ghazal 59 by Hafez

I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved: Ghazal 59 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024
I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved: Ghazal 59 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دارم امید عاطفتی از جناب دوست *** کردم جنایتی و امیدم به عفو اوست


حافظ بد است حالِ پریشانِ تو، ولی *** بر بویِ زلفِ یار پریشانیَت نکوست

English Translation: I have hope for a kind gesture from my Beloved, For I have committed a crime, yet I hope for His forgiveness. I know He will overlook my transgression, for though He may seem aloof, He is in fact a merciful angel. We wept so much that everyone …

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Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved: Ghazal 58 by Hafez

Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved: Ghazal 58 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024
Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved: Ghazal 58 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

سرِ ارادتِ ما و آستانِ حضرت دوست *** که هر چه بر سرِ ما می‌رود ارادتِ اوست


نه این زمان دلِ حافظ در آتشِ هوس است *** که داغدار ازل همچو لالهٔ خودروست

English Translation Our devotion and the threshold of the Beloved Whatever befalls us is a result of our devotion to Him. I've seen none like the Beloved, though I've compared Him to moon and sun. I've placed mirrors before the Beloved's face. What can the gentle breeze say of my …

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That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides: Ghazal 57 by Hafez

That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides: Ghazal 57 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024
That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides: Ghazal 57 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

آن سیه‌چرده که شیرینیِ عالم با اوست *** چشمِ میگون لبِ خندان دلِ خرم با اوست


حافظ از معتقدان است گرامی دارش *** زان که بخشایشِ بس روحِ مکرم با اوست

English Translation: That dark-haired one with whom the sweetness of the world resides, With wine-dark eyes, a smiling lip, and a joyful heart. Though sweet-tongued kings are many, She is the Solomon of her time, with the seal of authority. With a beautiful face, perfect artistry, and a pure heart, …

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My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez

My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 03, 2024
My heart is the tent of his love: Ghazal 56 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 03, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دل سراپردهٔ محبتِ اوست *** دیده آیینه دارِ طلعت اوست


فقرِ ظاهر مبین که حافظ را *** سینه گنجینهٔ محبتِ اوست

English Translation: My heart is the tent of his love, My eye is the mirror of his beauty. I, who cannot comprehend the two worlds, Am under the burden of his favor. You and the Tree of Paradise, and we and the stature of the beloved, Everyone's thought is according …

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The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief: Ghazal 55 by Hafez

The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief: Ghazal 55 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 02, 2024
The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief: Ghazal 55 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خَمِ زلفِ تو دامِ کفر و دین است *** ز کارستانِ او یک شمه این است


مشو حافظ ز کیدِ زلفش ایمن *** که دل برد و کنون در بندِ دین است

English Translation: The curve of your tresses is a snare for both faith and disbelief, A mere glimpse of your beauty is proof of this. Your beauty is a miracle of loveliness, but The tale of your glances is a clear enchantment. Who can bear the life from your coquettish …

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My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot: Ghazal 54 by Hafez

My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot: Ghazal 54 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 02, 2024
My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot: Ghazal 54 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ز گریه مَردُمِ چشمم نشسته در خون است *** ببین که در طلبت حالِ مَردُمان چون است


ز بیخودی طلبِ یار می‌کند حافظ *** چو مفلسی که طلبکارِ گنجِ قارون است

English Translation: My eyes, filled with tears, are bloodshot, See how the people are in their longing for you. Thinking of your ruby lips and your wine-drunk eyes, From the cup of sorrow, I drink a ruby wine of blood. If the sun of your beauty rises from the east …

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I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery: Ghazal 53 by Hafez

I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery: Ghazal 53 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 02, 2024
I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery: Ghazal 53 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

منم که گوشهٔ میخانه خانقاهِ من است *** دعایِ پیرِ مغان وردِ صبحگاهِ من است


گناه اگر چه نبود اختیارِ ما حافظ *** تو در طریقِ ادب باش، گو گناهِ من است

English Translation: I am one who finds the corner of the tavern his monastery, The prayer of the Magian sage is my morning incantation. If I have not the morning song of the lute, what does it matter? My tune at dawn is the sigh of my apology. I am …

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For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion: Ghazal 52 by Hafez

For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion: Ghazal 52 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 02, 2024
For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion: Ghazal 52 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روزگاریست که سودایِ بتان دینِ من است *** غمِ این کار نشاطِ دلِ غمگینِ من است


حافظ از حشمتِ پرویز دگر قصه مخوان *** که لبش جرعه کش خسرو شیرین من است

English Translation: For days, the idol of my beloved has been my religion, The sorrow of this affair is the joy of my sorrowful heart. Only the eye of the soul can see your face, And this is far beyond the capacity of my worldly eye. Be my beloved, for …

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The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez

The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez

By @fatemeh on August 02, 2024
The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood: Ghazal 51 by Hafez

By fatemeh on August 02, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

لعلِ سیرابِ به خون تشنه لب یار من است *** وز پی دیدنِ او دادنِ جان کار من است


آن که در طرزِ غزل نکته به حافظ آموخت *** یارِ شیرین‌سخنِ نادره‌گفتارِ من است

English Translation: The ruby of my beloved's lips, so parched, is now drunk with blood, And to see her, giving my life is my task. Shame on that black eye and those long lashes, Whoever saw her steal hearts and denies my claim. O caravan, don't pack your bags at …

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