
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

My heart is captive to your tresses, its own undoing: Ghazal 50 by Hafez

My heart is captive to your tresses, its own undoing: Ghazal 50 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024
My heart is captive to your tresses, its own undoing: Ghazal 50 by Hafez

By hamed on August 01, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

به دامِ زلفِ تو دل مبتلایِ خویشتن است *** بکُش به غمزه که اینَش سزایِ خویشتن است


بسوخت حافظ و در شرطِ عشقبازیِ او *** هنوز بر سرِ عهد و وفایِ خویشتن است

English Translation: My heart is captive to your tresses, its own undoing, Kill me with a glance, for this is its just reward. If you can fulfill my heart's desire, Then be by my side, for that would be better for me. For your sake, O sweet-lipped idol, like a …

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The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes: Ghazal 49 by Hafez

The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes: Ghazal 49 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024
The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes: Ghazal 49 by Hafez

By hamed on August 01, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روضهٔ خُلدِ برین خلوتِ درویشان است *** مایهٔ مُحتشمی، خدمتِ درویشان است


من غلامِ نظرِ آصِفِ عهدم کو را *** صورتِ خواجگی و سیرتِ درویشان است

English Translation: The garden of eternal paradise is the solitude of the dervishes, The source of nobility is the service of the dervishes. The treasure of solitude, which holds miraculous spells, Is the conquest of the eye of the dervishes' mercy. The palace of paradise, whose gatekeeper is رضوان, Is …

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The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024
The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine. Ghazal 48 by Hafez

By hamed on August 01, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صوفی از پرتو مِی رازِ نهانی دانست *** گوهرِ هر کس از این لعل، توانی دانست


حافظ این گوهرِ مَنظوم که از طَبع اَنگیخت *** زَ اثرِ تربیتِ آصِفِ ثانی دانست

English Translation: The Sufi learned the hidden secret from the radiance of wine, Recognizing the worth of everyone from this ruby. Only the morning bird knows the value of a garden full of flowers, Not everyone who reads a page understands its meanings. I offered both worlds to my weary …

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Every seeker who knows the way to the tavern: Ghazal 47 by Hafez

Every seeker who knows the way to the tavern: Ghazal 47 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024
Every seeker who knows the way to the tavern: Ghazal 47 by Hafez

By hamed on August 01, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

به کویِ میکده هر سالِکی که رَه دانست *** دری دگر زدن اندیشهٔ تَبَه دانست


بلندمرتبه شاهی که نُه رِواقِ سِپِهر *** نمونه‌ای ز خَمِ طاقِ بارگَه دانست

English Translation: Every seeker who knows the way to the tavern Has considered it wise to knock on another door. Time has bestowed the crown of roguery on none But one who has understood that the world's glory is in this cap. Whoever found a path to the tavern's threshold …

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With a rose in hand, wine in cup, and a beloved to delight: Ghazal 46 by Hafez

With a rose in hand, wine in cup, and a beloved to delight: Ghazal 46 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 01, 2024
With a rose in hand, wine in cup, and a beloved to delight: Ghazal 46 by Hafez

By hamed on August 01, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گل در بَر و می در کف و معشوق به کام است *** سلطانِ جهانم به چنین روز غلام است


حافظ منشین بی‌مِی و معشوق زمانی *** که‌ایّامِ گل و یاسمن و عیدِ صیام است

English Translation: With a rose in hand, wine in cup, and a beloved to delight, In such a day, the world's Sultan, is a slave to me. Say, why bring a candle to this gathering, tonight, When in our assembly, the moon of my love’s face is complete? In our …

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In this age, a friend free from defect: Ghazal 45 by Hafez

In this age, a friend free from defect: Ghazal 45 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
In this age, a friend free from defect: Ghazal 45 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در این زمانه رفیقی که خالی از خِلَل است *** صُراحیِ میِ ناب و سَفینهٔ غزل است


به هیچ دُور نخواهند یافت هشیارش *** چنین که حافظ ما مستِ بادهٔ ازل است

English Translation: In this age, a friend free from defect Is a jug of pure wine and a ship of poetry. Turn the page slowly, for the path of safety is narrow, Take up the cup, for precious life is priceless. I am not only weary of the world due …

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Now that a cup of clear wine is in the hand of the flower: Ghazal 44 by Hafez

Now that a cup of clear wine is in the hand of the flower: Ghazal 44 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
Now that a cup of clear wine is in the hand of the flower: Ghazal 44 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

کُنون که بر کفِ گُل جامِ بادهٔ صاف است *** به صدهزار زبان بلبلش در اوصاف است


خموش حافظ و این نکته‌های چون زر سرخ *** نگاه‌دار که قَلّابِ شهر، صرّاف است

English Translation: Now that a cup of clear wine is in the hand of the flower, The nightingale is describing it in a hundred thousand tongues. Seek your book of poems and take the path of the wilderness, For what time is it for school and the discussion of revealing …

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The garden square is delightful and the company of friends is pleasant: Ghazal 43 by Hafez

The garden square is delightful and the company of friends is pleasant: Ghazal 43 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
The garden square is delightful and the company of friends is pleasant: Ghazal 43 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صَحنِ بُستان ذوق بخش و صحبتِ یاران خوش است *** وقتِ گل خوش باد کز وی وقتِ میخواران خوش است


حافظا! تَرکِ جهان گفتن طریقِ خوشدلیست *** تا نپنداری که احوالِ جهان داران خوش است

English Translation: The garden square is delightful and the company of friends is pleasant, The time of flowers is good, for it is the time of wine-drinkers. From the gentle breeze, our hearts are filled with pleasure each moment, Truly, the sweet breath of lovers is pleasant. The unopened flower …

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To tell you my heart's state is a desire: Ghazal 42 by Hafez

To tell you my heart's state is a desire: Ghazal 42 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
To tell you my heart's state is a desire: Ghazal 42 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

حالِ دل با تو گفتنم هوس است *** خبرِ دل شِنُفتَنَم هوس است


همچو حافظ به رَغمِ مُدَعیان *** شعرِ رندانه گفتنم هوس است

English Translation: To tell you my heart's state is a desire, To hear the news of my heart is a desire. See the raw hope that it is a desire To hide my open secret from rivals. To sleep with you until dawn on such a precious Night of Power …

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Though wine brings joy and the breeze carries the scent of flowers: Ghazal 41 by Hafez

Though wine brings joy and the breeze carries the scent of flowers: Ghazal 41 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
Though wine brings joy and the breeze carries the scent of flowers: Ghazal 41 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر چه باده فَرَح بخش و باد گُل‌بیز است *** به بانگِ چَنگ مخور مِی که مُحتَسِب تیز است


عراق و فارس گرفتی به شعرِ خوش حافظ *** بیا که نوبتِ بغداد و وقتِ تبریز است

English Translation: Though wine brings joy and the breeze carries the scent of flowers, Don't drink to the sound of the lute, for the morality police are sharp. If a jug and a companion fall into your hands, Drink with wisdom, for the times are full of strife. Hide the …

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