
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry? Ghazal 35 by Hafez

Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry? Ghazal 35 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry? Ghazal 35 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

برو به کارِ خود ای واعظ این چه فریادست *** مرا فِتاد دل از ره، تو را چه اُفتادست؟


برو فِسانه مخوان و فُسون مدم حافظ *** کز این فسانه و افسون مرا بسی یادست

English Translation: Go about your business, O preacher, what is this outcry? My heart has fallen from the path, what has befallen you? Between Him who created from nothing, There is a moment when nothing was created. Until her lips reach my heart, like a reed, All the advice in …

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The arched doorway of my eye's vision is your nest: Ghazal 34 by Hafez

The arched doorway of my eye's vision is your nest: Ghazal 34 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
The arched doorway of my eye's vision is your nest: Ghazal 34 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

رَواقِ منظرِ چشمِ من آشیانهٔ توست *** کَرَم نما و فرود آ که خانه، خانهٔ توست


سرودِ مجلست اکنون فلک به رقص آرَد *** که شعرِ حافظِ شیرین سخن ترانهٔ توست

English Translation: The arched doorway of my eye's vision is your nest, So be gracious and descend, for this house is your home. With the grace of your mole and your line, you stole the hearts of the mystics, Such wondrous tricks are under your snare and bait. May your …

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What need has the recluse for spectacle: Ghazal 33 by Hafez

What need has the recluse for spectacle: Ghazal 33 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
What need has the recluse for spectacle: Ghazal 33 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خلوت گُزیده را به تماشا چه حاجت است *** چون کوی دوست هست به صحرا چه حاجت است


حافظ! تو خَتم کن که هنر خود عَیان شود *** با مدعی نزاع و مُحاکا چه حاجت است

English Translation What need has the recluse for spectacle, When in beloved's presence what need is the meadow? O beloved, with what need do you approach God, That at the last moment you ask what need we have? O king of beauty, we have burned for God's sake, Finally ask …

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When God created the shape of your captivating eyebrow: Ghazal 32 by Hafez

When God created the shape of your captivating eyebrow: Ghazal 32 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
When God created the shape of your captivating eyebrow: Ghazal 32 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خدا چو صورتِ ابرویِ دلگشای تو بست *** گشادِ کارِ من اندر کرشمه‌هایِ تو بست


ز دستِ جورِ تو گفتم زِ شهر خواهم رفت *** به خنده گفت که حافظ برو، که پایِ تو بست؟

English Translation When God created the shape of your captivating eyebrow, He tied my fate to your coquetries. He made me and the cypress of the garden bow down to the dust of your path, When time tied the knot of your narcissus-colored garment. A hundred knots were untied from …

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This is the Night of Power they say the devout ones speak of tonight: Ghazal 31 by Hafez

This is the Night of Power they say the devout ones speak of tonight: Ghazal 31 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
This is the Night of Power they say the devout ones speak of tonight: Ghazal 31 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

آن شبِ قدری که گویند اهلِ خلوت امشب است *** یا رب این تأثیرِ دولت در کدامین کوکب است؟


آبِ حیوانش ز منقارِ بلاغت می‌چکد *** زاغِ کِلکِ من به نام ایزد چه عالی مشرب است

English Translation This is the Night of Power they say the devout ones speak of tonight, O Lord, in which celestial sphere does this influence reside? So that the unworthy hands may reach less to your hair, Every heart is engaged in the remembrance of God. I am killed by …

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Your locks have bound a thousand hearts with a single hair: Ghazal 30 by Hafez

Your locks have bound a thousand hearts with a single hair: Ghazal 30 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
Your locks have bound a thousand hearts with a single hair: Ghazal 30 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

زلفت هزار دل به یکی تاره مو ببست *** راه هزار چاره‌گر از چار سو ببست


حافظ! هر آن که عشق نَورزید و وصل خواست *** احرامِ طوفِ کعبهٔ دل بی وضو ببست

English Translation Your locks have bound a thousand hearts with a single hair, And closed the path of a thousand problem-solvers from every direction. To make lovers give their lives for the scent of her breeze, She untied a fragrant lock and closed the door of desire. I became enamored …

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What do I care for wine, with thoughts of you in my mind? Ghazal 29 by Hafez

What do I care for wine, with thoughts of you in my mind? Ghazal 29 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
What do I care for wine, with thoughts of you in my mind? Ghazal 29 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ما را زِ خیالِ تو چه پروایِ شراب است؟ *** خُم گو سر خود گیر، که خُمخانه خراب است


حافظ چه شد ار عاشق و رند است و نظرباز *** بس طُورِ عجب لازمِ ایامِ شباب است

English Translation What do I care for wine, with thoughts of you in my mind? Let the wine jar keep its head, for the tavern is in ruins. If it's heavenly wine, pour it out, for without my beloved Every sweet drink you give me is pure torment. Alas, the …

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For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right: Ghazal 28 by Hafez

For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right: Ghazal 28 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right: Ghazal 28 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

به جانِ خواجه و حقِ قدیم و عهدِ درست *** که مونسِ دمِ صبحم، دعایِ دولتِ توست


مرنج حافظ و از دلبر‌ان حِفاظ مجوی *** گناه باغ چه باشد چو این گیاه نَرُست

English Translation For the sake of the master, the ancient covenant, and what is right, The morning companion of my breath is the prayer for your prosperity. My hair, which would have escaped Noah's flood, Cannot erase the imprint of your love from the tablet of my heart. Make a …

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In the tavern of the Ma gi, my beloved arrived, cup in hand: Ghazal 27 by Hafez

In the tavern of the Ma gi, my beloved arrived, cup in hand: Ghazal 27 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
In the tavern of the Ma gi, my beloved arrived, cup in hand: Ghazal 27 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در دیرِ مغان آمد، یارم قدحی در دست *** مست از می و میخواران از نرگسِ مستش مست


بازآی که بازآید عمرِ شدهٔ حافظ *** هرچند که ناید باز، تیری که بِشُد از شست

English Translation In the tavern of the Magi, my beloved arrived, cup in hand, Drunk from wine, and the drunkards are intoxicated by her intoxicating narcissus. In the horseshoe of her steed, the shape of the new moon is visible, And the cypress tree is short compared to her tall …

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With disheveled hair, restless, smiling, and drunk: Ghazal 26 by Hafez

With disheveled hair, restless, smiling, and drunk: Ghazal 26 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
With disheveled hair, restless, smiling, and drunk: Ghazal 26 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

زلف‌آشفته و خِوی‌کرده و خندان‌لب و مست *** پیرهن‌چاک و غزل‌خوان و صُراحی در دست


خندهٔ جامِ می و زلفِ گره‌گیرِ نگار *** ای بسا توبه که چون توبه حافظ بشکست

English Translation With disheveled hair, restless, smiling, and drunk, Shirt unbuttoned, singing a ghazal, with a wine flask in hand, Her narcissus eyes wild, her lips sighing, In the middle of the night, she came to my bedside and sat down. She leaned her head close to my ear in …

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