
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

The crimson rose has bloomed and the nightingale is drunk: Ghazal 25 by Hafez

The crimson rose has bloomed and the nightingale is drunk: Ghazal 25 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
The crimson rose has bloomed and the nightingale is drunk: Ghazal 25 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

شکفته شد گل حَمرا و گشت بلبل مست *** صَلایِ سرخوشی، ای صوفیانِ باده پرست


زبانِ کِلکِ تو حافظ چه شُکرِ آن گوید *** که گفتهٔ سخنت می‌برند دست به دست

English Translation The crimson rose has bloomed and the nightingale is drunk, A call to joy, O wine-loving Sufis! The foundation of repentance, which seemed as solid as stone, See how the fragile glass has shattered. Bring wine, for in the court of self-sufficiency, Who cares for the guard, the …

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My heart has no interest in piety, covenants, or righteousness: Ghazal 24 by Hafez

My heart has no interest in piety, covenants, or righteousness: Ghazal 24 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
My heart has no interest in piety, covenants, or righteousness: Ghazal 24 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مطلب طاعت و پیمان و صلاح از من مست *** که به پیمانه‌کشی شهره شدم روز الست


حافظ از دولت عشق تو سلیمانی شد *** یعنی از وصل تواش نیست به جز باد به دست

English Translation My heart has no interest in piety, covenants, or righteousness, For I have become famous for pouring wine from the cup since the Day of Eternity. The moment I performed ablutions from the spring of love, I shouted four takbirs at once against everything that exists. Give me …

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Your image is a constant companion on every path: Ghazal 23 by Hafez

Your image is a constant companion on every path: Ghazal 23 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
Your image is a constant companion on every path: Ghazal 23 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خیالِ رویِ تو در هر طریق همرهِ ماست *** نسیمِ مویِ تو، پیوندِ جانِ آگهِ ماست


اگر به سالی حافظ دری زَنَد، بگشای *** که سال‌هاست که مشتاقِ رویِ چون مهِ ماست

English Translation Your image is a constant companion on every path, The breeze of your hair is the bond of our conscious souls. Despite the naysayers who forbid love, The beauty of your face is our compelling argument. See how the dimple on your cheek speaks, A thousand Josephs of …

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When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake: Ghazal 22 by Hafez

When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake: Ghazal 22 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake: Ghazal 22 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

چو بشنوی سخنِ اهلِ دل، مگو که خطاست *** سخن شناس نه‌ای جان من خطا این جاست


ندای عشق تو دیشب در اندرون دادند *** فضایِ سینهٔ حافظ هنوز پر ز صداست

English Translation When you hear the words of the heart, don't say it's a mistake, You don't know the language of the soul, my dear, the mistake is here. My head is not bowed to this world or the next, Blessed be God for these troubles that are in our …

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My heart and soul are lost, and my beloved has risen in reproach: Ghazal 21 by Hafez

My heart and soul are lost, and my beloved has risen in reproach: Ghazal 21 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
My heart and soul are lost, and my beloved has risen in reproach: Ghazal 21 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دل و دینم شد و دلبر به ملامت برخاست *** گفت با ما منشین، کز تو سلامت برخاست


حافظ این خرقه بینداز مگر جان ببری *** کآتش از خرقهٔ سالوس و کرامت برخاست

English Translation My heart and soul are lost, and my beloved has risen in reproach, Saying, "Do not sit with me, for your health has declined." Have you heard of anyone who sat comfortably in this gathering for a moment? Who did not rise in regret at the end of …

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Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high: Ghazal 20 by Hafez

Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high: Ghazal 20 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high: Ghazal 20 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روزه یک سو شد و عید آمد و دل‌ها برخاست *** می ز خُم‌خانه به‌جوش آمد و می‌باید خواست


این چه عیب است کز آن عیب، خلل خواهد بود *** ور بُوَد نیز چه شد؟ مردم بی‌عیب کجاست

English Translation Fasting is done, the feast has come, and hearts are lifted high, Wine from the tavern is bubbling, and wine must be sought. The turn of the sanctimonious hypocrites has passed, The time for the rogues to revel and rejoice is clear. What blame is there for one …

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O breeze of dawn, where is my beloved's resting place? Ghazal 19 by Hafez

O breeze of dawn, where is my beloved's resting place? Ghazal 19 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
O breeze of dawn, where is my beloved's resting place? Ghazal 19 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای نسیمِ سحر، آرامگَهِ یار کجاست؟ *** منزلِ آن مَهِ عاشق‌کُشِ عَیّار کجاست؟


حافظ از بادِ خزان در چمنِ دَهر مَرَنج *** فکرِ معقول بفرما گُلِ بی‌خار کجاست؟

English Translation O breeze of dawn, where is my beloved's resting place? Where is the abode of that moon-faced, mischievous lover? The night is dark, and the path to the valley of safety lies ahead, Where is the fire of Mount Sinai, and the time of our meeting? Whoever comes …

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O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you: Ghazal 18 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ساقیا آمدنِ عید، مبارک بادت *** وان مَواعید که کردی، مَرَواد از یادت


حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح *** ور نه طوفانِ حوادث بِبَرَد بُنیادت

English Translation O wine-pourer, may the arrival of the New Year be blessed for you, And may you not forget the promises you made. I'm amazed that during this time of separation, You took hearts from my opponents and gave hearts. Convey to the rose-faced maiden's servant, say she should …

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My heart, consumed by love's fire, has burned: Ghazal 17 by Hafez

My heart, consumed by love's fire, has burned: Ghazal 17 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
My heart, consumed by love's fire, has burned: Ghazal 17 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

سینه از آتش دل، در غمِ جانانه بسوخت *** آتشی بود در این خانه که کاشانه بسوخت


ترک افسانه بگو حافظ و مِی نوش دمی *** که نَخُفتیم شب و شمع به افسانه بسوخت

English Translation My heart, consumed by love's fire, has burned, A fire raged in this house that consumed the home. My body, due to the separation from my beloved, has wasted away, My soul has burned in the fire of my beloved's radiant face. See the burning of my heart, …

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The arch that your playful eyebrow formed: Ghazal 16 by Hafez

The arch that your playful eyebrow formed: Ghazal 16 by Hafez

By @admin on July 31, 2024
The arch that your playful eyebrow formed: Ghazal 16 by Hafez

By admin on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خَمی که ابروی شوخِ تو در کمان انداخت *** به قصد جانِ منِ زارِ ناتوان انداخت


جهان به کامِ من اکنون شود که دورِ زمان *** مرا به بندگیِ خواجهٔ جهان انداخت

English Translation The arch that your playful eyebrow formed Was aimed at the life of my weak and sorrowful heart. There was no design in the two worlds but the color of love was formed, The universe has not drawn the design of affection from our time. With one coquettish …

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