
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

O celestial beloved, who will lift the veil of secrecy? Ghazal 15 by Hafez

O celestial beloved, who will lift the veil of secrecy? Ghazal 15 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
O celestial beloved, who will lift the veil of secrecy? Ghazal 15 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای شاهد قدسی، کِه کَشَد بند نقابت؟ *** وی مرغ بهشتی، که دهد دانه و آبت؟


حافظ نه غلامیست که از خواجه گریزد *** صلحی کن و بازآ که خرابم ز عِتابت

English Translation O celestial beloved, who will lift the veil of secrecy? And which heavenly bird will give you food and water? Sleep has fled from my eyes in this heart-burning thought: Whose embrace has become the home of your comfort and sleep? You do not ask about the dervish, …

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I said, "O king of beauties, have mercy on this stranger: Ghazal 14 by Hafez

I said, "O king of beauties, have mercy on this stranger: Ghazal 14 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 31, 2024
I said, "O king of beauties, have mercy on this stranger: Ghazal 14 by Hafez

By hamed on July 31, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گفتم ای سلطانِ خوبان رحم کن بر این غریب *** گفت در دنبالِ دل، رَه گُم کُنَد مسکین غریب


گفت حافظ آشنایان در مقامِ حیرتند *** دور نَبوَد گر نشیند خسته و مسکین غریب

English Translation I said, "O queen of beauties, have mercy on this stranger," She replied, "The lowly stranger loses his way in following his heart." I said, "Do not pass me by for a moment," he said, "Excuse me," "How can a pampered one bear the grief of so many …

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Dawn breaks, and the clouds gather: Ghazal 13 by Hafez

Dawn breaks, and the clouds gather: Ghazal 13 by Hafez

By @admin on July 30, 2024
Dawn breaks, and the clouds gather: Ghazal 13 by Hafez

By admin on July 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

می‌دمد صبح و کِلِّه بست سحاب *** الصَبوح الصَبوح یا اصحاب


بر رخِ ساقیِ پری پیکر *** همچو حافظ بنوش بادهٔ ناب

English Translation: Dawn breaks, and the clouds gather, "Drink! Drink!" the morning calls to friends. Dewdrops fall on the face of the tulip, "Evermore! Evermore!" to loved ones. A heavenly breeze blows from the meadow, So drink, sip by sip, the pure wine. The flower has laid out an emerald …

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O radiant moon of beauty: Ghazal 12 by Hafez

O radiant moon of beauty: Ghazal 12 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 30, 2024
O radiant moon of beauty: Ghazal 12 by Hafez

By hamed on July 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای فروغِ ماهِ حُسن، از روی رخشان شما *** آبِ‌روی خوبی از چاه زَنَخدان شما


ای شَهنشاه بلند اختر، خدا را همتی *** تا ببوسم همچو اختر خاک ایوان شما

English translation: O radiance of the moon of beauty, from your shining face, The water of goodness flows from the well of your chin. The soul at the edge of life desires to see you, Will it return or rise? What is your command? No one gained any benefit from …

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O wine-server, fill our cup with the light of wine: Ghazal 11 by Hafez

O wine-server, fill our cup with the light of wine: Ghazal 11 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 30, 2024
O wine-server, fill our cup with the light of wine: Ghazal 11 by Hafez

By hamed on July 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ساقی به نورِ باده برافروز جامِ ما *** مطرب بگو که کارِ جهان شُد به کامِ ما


دریای اَخضَرِ فلک و کَشتی هِلال *** هستند غرق نعمتِ حاجی‌قوام ما

English Translation: O wine-server, fill our cup with the light of wine, Let the musician proclaim that the world's affairs are to our liking. We have seen the reflection of our beloved's face in the cup, O you who are unaware of the pleasure of our constant drinking. He who …

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Last night our spiritual guide came from the mosque to the tavern: Ghazal 10 by Hafez

Last night our spiritual guide came from the mosque to the tavern: Ghazal 10 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 29, 2024
Last night our spiritual guide came from the mosque to the tavern: Ghazal 10 by Hafez

By hamed on July 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش از مسجد سوی میخانه آمد پیر ما *** چیست یاران طریقت بعد از این تدبیر ما


تیر آه ما ز گردون بگذرد حافظ خموش *** رحم کن بر جان خود پرهیز کن از تیر ما

English Translation: Last night our spiritual guide came from the mosque to the tavern. What strategies can the followers of the path adopt after this? We, his disciples, how can we face the Qibla (direction of prayer) when Our guide’s face is turned towards the wine-seller's house? Let us all …

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The garden is once again filled with the splendor of youth: Ghazal 9 by Hafez

The garden is once again filled with the splendor of youth: Ghazal 9 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 29, 2024
The garden is once again filled with the splendor of youth: Ghazal 9 by Hafez

By hamed on July 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

رونق عهد شباب است دگر بُستان را *** می‌رسد مژدهٔ گل بلبل خوش‌الحان را


حافظا می خور و رندی کن و خوش باش ولی *** دام تزویر مکن چون دگران قرآن را

English Translation: The garden is once again filled with the splendor of youth, And the good news of the nightingale's sweet song arrives. O gentle breeze, if you return to the garden's young ones, Convey my service to the cypress, rose, and basil. If the wine-seller's maid appears thus, I …

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O win e-server, arise and pass the cup of wine! Ghazal 8 by Hafez

O win e-server, arise and pass the cup of wine! Ghazal 8 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 29, 2024
O win e-server, arise and pass the cup of wine! Ghazal 8 by Hafez

By hamed on July 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ساقیا برخیز و دَردِه جام را *** خاک بر سر کن غمِ ایام را


صبر کن حافظ به سختی روز و شب *** عاقبت روزی بیابی کام را

English Translation: O wine-server, arise and pass the cup of wine! Scatter the dust of sorrow upon the days. Place the goblet of wine in my hand so that I may Cast off this blue-colored robe of misery. Though it is a disgrace among the wise, We do not seek …

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Missing Those Epic Love Stories

Missing Those Epic Love Stories

By @hamed on July 29, 2024
Missing Those Epic Love Stories

By hamed on July 29, 2024

Poet: original

In the echoes of time, true love has faded away, *** Centuries have passed, no true love story to sway.


So we wander, searching for a love that’s real, *** In a world where true love is no longer the convey.

Ugh, missing those epic love stories where people actually felt something. Like, remember when love wasn't just a swipe right? Feels like we're living in a black and white movie longing for color. Anyone else?

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O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror: Ghazal 7 by Hafez

O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror: Ghazal 7 by Hafez

By @hamed on July 29, 2024
O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror: Ghazal 7 by Hafez

By hamed on July 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صوفی بیا که آینه صافیست جام را *** تا بنگری صفای می لعل‌فام را


حافظ مرید جام می است ای صبا برو *** وز بنده بندگی برسان شیخ جام را

English Translation: O Sufi, come, for the wine cup is a clear mirror, So that you may see the purity of the ruby-colored wine. Ask the secrets of the heart from the intoxicated revelers, For this state is not for the high-ranking ascetic. The simurgh cannot be caught in a …

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