
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, Ghazal 265 by Hafez

My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, Ghazal 265 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 23, 2024
My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, Ghazal 265 by Hafez

By hamed on September 23, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

برنیامد از تمنّایِ لَبَت کامم هنوز *** بر امید جامِ لعلت دُردی آشامم هنوز


در قلم آورد حافظ قصهٔ لَعلِ لَبَش *** آب حیوان می‌رود هر دَم ز اقلامم هنوز

English Translation: My desire for your lips' promise has yet to be fulfilled, I still drink a potion of longing, hoping for your ruby cup. On the very first day, my faith was lost in your dark locks, Who knows what will be the end of this affair? O cupbearer, …

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Rise up and pour the wine of joy into the golden goblet, Ghazal 264 by Hafez

Rise up and pour the wine of joy into the golden goblet, Ghazal 264 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 23, 2024
Rise up and pour the wine of joy into the golden goblet, Ghazal 264 by Hafez

By hamed on September 23, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خیز و در کاسهٔ زر آبِ طَرَبناک انداز *** پیشتر زان که شَوَد کاسهٔ سَر خاک‌ انداز


چون گُل از نَکهَتِ او جامه قبا کن حافظ *** وین قبا در رَهِ آن قامتِ چالاک انداز

English Translation: Rise up and pour the wine of joy into the golden goblet, Before the goblet of our heads is turned to dust. Ultimately, our destination is the valley of the silent, For now, create a tumult in the celestial dome. The impure eye is far from the beloved's …

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Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Ghazal 263 by Hafez

Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Ghazal 263 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 23, 2024
Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Ghazal 263 by Hafez

By hamed on September 23, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بیا و کَشتیِ ما در شَطِ شراب انداز *** خروش و وِلوِله در جانِ شیخ و شاب انداز


ز جورِ چرخ چو حافظ به جان رسید دلت *** به سویِ دیو مِحَن ناوَکِ شهاب انداز

English Translation: Come, and cast our ship into the sea of wine, Create a tumult and commotion in the hearts of the pious and the young. Cast me into the ship of wine, O cupbearer, For it has been said, “Do good and cast it into the water.” I have …

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Who can tell of the state of hearts filled with blood? Ghazal 262 by Hafez

Who can tell of the state of hearts filled with blood? Ghazal 262 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 23, 2024
Who can tell of the state of hearts filled with blood? Ghazal 262 by Hafez

By hamed on September 23, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

حالِ خونین دلان که گوید باز؟ *** وز فلک خونِ خُم که جوید باز؟


گِردِ بیتُ الحَرامِ خُم حافظ *** گر نمیرد به سَر بپوید باز

English Translation: Who can tell of the state of hearts filled with blood? And from which sky will a wine-filled goblet flow again? May he be ashamed before the eyes of wine-drinkers, If the intoxicated narcissus blooms again. Except for the Plato of the wine cellar, Who can tell us …

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Come, for you can enter my weary heart once more, Ghazal 261 by Hafez

Come, for you can enter my weary heart once more, Ghazal 261 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 23, 2024
Come, for you can enter my weary heart once more, Ghazal 261 by Hafez

By hamed on September 23, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

درآ که در دلِ خسته توان درآید باز *** بیا که در تنِ مُرده رَوان درآید باز


بیا که بلبلِ مطبوعِ خاطرِ حافظ *** به بویِ گُلبُنِ وصلِ تو می‌سُراید باز

English Translation: Come, for you can enter my weary heart once more, Come, for you can bring life to my lifeless body. Come, for your absence has so closed my eyes, That only the opening of the door of reunion can open them again. A sorrow, like a rusty army, …

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O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, Ghazal 260 by Hafez

O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, Ghazal 260 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 22, 2024
O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, Ghazal 260 by Hafez

By hamed on September 22, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای سروِ نازِ حُسن که خوش می‌روی به ناز *** عُشّاق را به نازِ تو هر لحظه صد نیاز


چون باده باز بر سرِ خُم رفت کف زنان *** حافظ که دوش از لبِ ساقی شَنید راز

English Translation: O slender cypress of beauty, who walks so gracefully and proudly, A hundred needs arise each moment for lovers because of your coquetry. Blessed be your beautiful countenance, for from eternity, A robe of pride has been cut to fit your cypress-like stature. He who desires the scent …

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I am the one who has once again set my eyes on the sight of my beloved, Ghazal 259 by Hafez

I am the one who has once again set my eyes on the sight of my beloved, Ghazal 259 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 22, 2024
I am the one who has once again set my eyes on the sight of my beloved, Ghazal 259 by Hafez

By hamed on September 22, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

منم که دیده به دیدارِ دوست کردم باز *** چه شُکر گویَمَت ای کارسازِ بنده نواز


فِکَنْد زمزمهٔ عشق در حجاز و عراق *** نوایِ بانگِ غزلهایِ حافظ از شیراز

English Translation: I am the one who has once again set my eyes on the sight of my beloved, What thanks can I offer you, O Helper of your humble servant? O you who are in need of trials, do not turn your face from the dust, For the dust …

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A thousand thanks that I have seen, to my heart's content, Ghazal 258 by Hafez

A thousand thanks that I have seen, to my heart's content, Ghazal 258 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 22, 2024
A thousand thanks that I have seen, to my heart's content, Ghazal 258 by Hafez

By hamed on September 22, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

هزار شُکر که دیدم به کامِ خویشت باز *** ز رویِ صدق و صفا گشته با دلم دَمساز


غزل سُرایی ناهید صرفه‌ای نَبَرَد *** در آن مَقام که حافظ برآورد آواز

English Translation: A thousand thanks that I have seen, to my heart's content, That with pure sincerity, your heart has become attuned to mine. Those who travel the spiritual path bear the burden of tribulation, But a companion of love has no fear of ups and downs. The sorrow of …

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Show your face and tell me to take my life, Ghazal 257 by Hafez

Show your face and tell me to take my life, Ghazal 257 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 22, 2024
Show your face and tell me to take my life, Ghazal 257 by Hafez

By hamed on September 22, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روی بِنْما و مرا گو که ز جان دل برگیر *** پیشِ شمع آتشِ پروانه به جان گو درگیر


حافظ آراسته کن بزم و بگو واعظ را *** که ببین مجلسم و تَرکِ سَرِ منبر گیر

English Translation: Show your face and tell me to take my life, Set the moth on fire before the candle's flame. See my parched lips and do not withhold water, Come to your slain one and lift him from the dust. Do not abandon the dervish even if he has …

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Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Ghazal 256 by Hafez

Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Ghazal 256 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 22, 2024
Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Ghazal 256 by Hafez

By hamed on September 22, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

نصیحتی کُنَمَت بشنو و بهانه مَگیر *** هر آنچه ناصِحِ مُشْفِق بگویَدَت بپذیر


حدیثِ توبه در این بزمگه مگو حافظ *** که ساقیان کمان ابرویَت زَنَند به تیر

English Translation: Listen to my advice and don’t make excuses, Accept whatever a wise advisor tells you. Take pleasure from the sight of the young, For the deceit of the old world lies in wait. The pleasures of both worlds are flowing for lovers, For this worldly good is little, …

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