
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

Fear not, the lost Joseph will return to Canaan, Ghazal 255 by Hafez

Fear not, the lost Joseph will return to Canaan, Ghazal 255 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 19, 2024
Fear not, the lost Joseph will return to Canaan, Ghazal 255 by Hafez

By hamed on September 19, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

یوسفِ گم گشته بازآید به کنعان، غم مخور *** کلبهٔ احزان شَوَد روزی گلستان، غم مخور


حافظا در کُنجِ فقر و خلوتِ شب‌هایِ تار *** تا بُوَد وِردَت دعا و درس قرآن غم مخور

English Translation: Fear not, the lost Joseph will return to Canaan, Your cottage of sorrow will one day become a rose garden. O sorrowful heart, your state will improve, do not be disheartened, And this restless head will come to its senses. If the spring of life returns once more …

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No longer does the patient nightingale sing from the cypress branch, Ghazal 254 by Hafez

No longer does the patient nightingale sing from the cypress branch, Ghazal 254 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 19, 2024
No longer does the patient nightingale sing from the cypress branch, Ghazal 254 by Hafez

By hamed on September 19, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دیگر ز شاخِ سروِ سَهی بلبلِ صبور *** گلبانگ زد که چشمِ بد از رویِ گُل به دور


حافظ شکایت از غمِ هجران چه می‌کنی؟ *** در هِجر وصل باشد و در ظلمت است نور

English Translation: No longer does the patient nightingale sing from the cypress branch, For it has cried out that the evil eye be far from the rose’s face. O rose, thanks be to Him who has made you the king of beauty, Do not be arrogant with the love-sick, heartless …

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O tulip of my life, joyful from the radiance of your face, Ghazal 253 by Hafez

O tulip of my life, joyful from the radiance of your face, Ghazal 253 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 19, 2024
O tulip of my life, joyful from the radiance of your face, Ghazal 253 by Hafez

By hamed on September 19, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای خُرَّم از فروغِ رُخَت لاله زارِ عمر *** بازآ که ریخت بی گُلِ رویت بهارِ عمر


حافظ سخن بگوی که بر صفحهٔ جهان *** این نقش مانَد از قَلَمَت یادگارِ عمر

English Translation: O tulip of my life, joyful from the radiance of your face, Return, for the spring of my life has withered without your flower. If tears rain from my eyes, it is justified, For my life's days have become as fleeting as lightning in your sorrow. Seize this …

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If life permits, I'll go to the tavern once more, Ghazal 252 by Hafez

If life permits, I'll go to the tavern once more, Ghazal 252 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 19, 2024
If life permits, I'll go to the tavern once more, Ghazal 252 by Hafez

By hamed on September 19, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گر بُوَد عمر، به میخانه رَسَم بارِ دِگَر *** بجز از خدمتِ رندان نکنم کارِ دِگَر


بازگویم نه در این واقعه حافظ تنهاست *** غرقه گشتند در این بادیه بسیارِ دگر

English Translation: If life permits, I'll go to the tavern once more, And do nothing else but serve the revelers. Blessed is the day when I leave with weeping eyes, So I can bring water to the tavern door once more. There’s no reason for knowledge among these people, God …

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It’s the night of union, and the page of separation has turned, Ghazal 251 by Hafez

It’s the night of union, and the page of separation has turned, Ghazal 251 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 19, 2024
It’s the night of union, and the page of separation has turned, Ghazal 251 by Hafez

By hamed on September 19, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

شبِ وصل است و طی شد نامهٔ هَجر *** «سلامٌ فیهِ حَتّی مَطْلَعِ الفَجْر»


وفا خواهی، جفاکَش باش حافظ *** فَاِنَّ الرِبْحَ و الْخُسرانَ فِی التَّجْر

English Translation: It’s the night of union, and the page of separation has turned, “Peace be upon it until the break of dawn.” O heart, be steadfast in love, For in this path, there is no work without reward. I will not repent of my recklessness, Even if you torment …

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Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روی بِنْمای و وجودِ خودم از یاد بِبَر *** خِرمنِ سوختگان را همه گو باد بِبَر


حافظ اندیشه کن از نازکیِ خاطرِ یار *** برو از دَرگَهَش این ناله و فریاد بِبَر

English Translation: Show your face and forget about my existence, And tell the wind to carry away the harvest of the burned. Since we gave our hearts and eyes to the storm of calamity, Say, come, bring a flood of sorrow and destroy our house from its foundation. Who will …

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O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای صبا نَکهَتی از خاکِ رَهِ یار بیار *** بِبَر اندوهِ دل و مژدهٔ دل‌دار بیار


دلقِ حافظ به چه ارزد؟ به مِی‌اش رنگین کن *** وان گَه‌اش مست و خراب از سَرِ بازار بیار

English Translation: O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Carry away my heartache and bring me tidings of my heart’s desire. Speak a life-giving word from my beloved’s mouth, Bring a joyous letter from the realm of secrets. So that I may perfume my …

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O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای صبا نَکهَتی از کویِ فُلانی به من آر *** زار و بیمارِ غَمَم راحتِ جانی به من آر


دلم از دست بِشُد دوش چو حافظ می‌گفت *** کای صَبا نَکهَتی از کویِ فلانی به من آر

English Translation: O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Bring my sorrowful and sick heart some solace. Strike our barren heart with the elixir of desire, That is, bring me a sign from the dust of my friend's door. In the ambush of glances, I am …

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O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صبا ز منزلِ جانان گذر دریغ مدار *** وز او به عاشقِ بی‌دل خبر دریغ مدار


غبارِ غم بِرَوَد، حال خوش شود حافظ *** تو آبِ دیده از این ره‌گذر دریغ مدار

English Translation: O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, And do not withhold from the lovelorn heart any news of him. In gratitude for your blossoming to fulfill fortune's desire, O flower, Do not withhold the breeze of union from the morning bird. I was …

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It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

عید است و آخِرِ گُل و یاران در انتظار *** ساقی به رویِ شاه ببین ماه و مِی بیار


حافظ چو رفت روزه و گل نیز می‌رود *** ناچار باده نوش که از دستْ رفتْ کار

English Translation: It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, O wine-server, bring the moon and wine before the king. I had turned my heart away from the days of spring, but The pure intentions of the fasting have done something. Don’t attach your heart …

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