
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
Show your face and forget about my existence, Ghazal 250 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

روی بِنْمای و وجودِ خودم از یاد بِبَر *** خِرمنِ سوختگان را همه گو باد بِبَر


حافظ اندیشه کن از نازکیِ خاطرِ یار *** برو از دَرگَهَش این ناله و فریاد بِبَر

English Translation: Show your face and forget about my existence, And tell the wind to carry away the harvest of the burned. Since we gave our hearts and eyes to the storm of calamity, Say, come, bring a flood of sorrow and destroy our house from its foundation. Who will …

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O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Ghazal 249 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای صبا نَکهَتی از خاکِ رَهِ یار بیار *** بِبَر اندوهِ دل و مژدهٔ دل‌دار بیار


دلقِ حافظ به چه ارزد؟ به مِی‌اش رنگین کن *** وان گَه‌اش مست و خراب از سَرِ بازار بیار

English Translation: O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from the path of my beloved, Carry away my heartache and bring me tidings of my heart’s desire. Speak a life-giving word from my beloved’s mouth, Bring a joyous letter from the realm of secrets. So that I may perfume my …

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O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Ghazal 248 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای صبا نَکهَتی از کویِ فُلانی به من آر *** زار و بیمارِ غَمَم راحتِ جانی به من آر


دلم از دست بِشُد دوش چو حافظ می‌گفت *** کای صَبا نَکهَتی از کویِ فلانی به من آر

English Translation: O gentle breeze, bring me a scent from my beloved's lane, Bring my sorrowful and sick heart some solace. Strike our barren heart with the elixir of desire, That is, bring me a sign from the dust of my friend's door. In the ambush of glances, I am …

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O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, Ghazal 247 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صبا ز منزلِ جانان گذر دریغ مدار *** وز او به عاشقِ بی‌دل خبر دریغ مدار


غبارِ غم بِرَوَد، حال خوش شود حافظ *** تو آبِ دیده از این ره‌گذر دریغ مدار

English Translation: O gentle breeze, from the beloved's abode do not hesitate to pass, And do not withhold from the lovelorn heart any news of him. In gratitude for your blossoming to fulfill fortune's desire, O flower, Do not withhold the breeze of union from the morning bird. I was …

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It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 18, 2024
It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, Ghazal 246 by Hafez

By hamed on September 18, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

عید است و آخِرِ گُل و یاران در انتظار *** ساقی به رویِ شاه ببین ماه و مِی بیار


حافظ چو رفت روزه و گل نیز می‌رود *** ناچار باده نوش که از دستْ رفتْ کار

English Translation: It’s a feast day, and the end of spring, and my friends await, O wine-server, bring the moon and wine before the king. I had turned my heart away from the days of spring, but The pure intentions of the fasting have done something. Don’t attach your heart …

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O parrot, eloquent speaker of secrets, Ghazal 245 by Hafez

O parrot, eloquent speaker of secrets, Ghazal 245 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 17, 2024
O parrot, eloquent speaker of secrets, Ghazal 245 by Hafez

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

الا ای طوطیِ گویا‌یِ اسرار *** مبادا خالی‌ات شِکَّر ز مِنقار


خداوندی به جایِ بندگان کرد *** خداوندا ز آفاتش نگه دار

English Translation: O parrot, eloquent speaker of secrets, May your beak never be empty of sugar. May your head be green and your heart eternally happy, For you have beautifully depicted the lines of your beloved. You have spoken enigmatically with your companions, For God's sake, draw the curtain from …

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Companions, untie the knot from your beloved's tresses, Ghazal 244 by Hafez

Companions, untie the knot from your beloved's tresses, Ghazal 244 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 17, 2024
Companions, untie the knot from your beloved's tresses, Ghazal 244 by Hafez

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

معاشران، گره از زلفِ یار باز کنید *** شبی خوش‌ است بدین قصه‌اش دراز کنید


وگر طلب کند اِنعامی از شما حافظ *** حَوالَتَش به لبِ یارِ دلنواز کنید

English Translation: Companions, untie the knot from your beloved's tresses, Lengthen this pleasant night with this tale. The presence of solitude is intimacy, and friends are gathered, Indeed, you can read and elevate yourselves. The lute and the harp, with a loud voice, say, "Lend a keen ear to the …

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Whoever has heard your sweet scent from the morning breeze, Ghazal 243 by Hafez

Whoever has heard your sweet scent from the morning breeze, Ghazal 243 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 17, 2024
Whoever has heard your sweet scent from the morning breeze, Ghazal 243 by Hafez

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بویِ خوشِ تو هر که ز بادِ صبا شنید *** از یارِ آشْنا سخنِ آشْنا شنید


حافظ وظیفهٔ تو دعا گفتن است و بس *** در بَندِ آن مباش که نشنید یا شنید

English Translation: Whoever has heard your sweet scent from the morning breeze, Has heard familiar words from a familiar friend. O king of beauty, cast a glance at this beggar's state, For this ear has heard much of kings and beggars. I delight my soul with the musk-scented wine, For …

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Come, for the banner of the victorious king has arrived, Ghazal 242 by Hafez

Come, for the banner of the victorious king has arrived, Ghazal 242 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 17, 2024
Come, for the banner of the victorious king has arrived, Ghazal 242 by Hafez

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بیا که رایتِ منصورِ پادشاه رسید *** نویدِ فتح و بشارت به مِهر و ماه رسید


مرو به خواب که حافظ به بارگاهِ قبول *** ز وِردِ نیمْ شب و درسِ صبحگاه رسید

English Translation: Come, for the banner of the victorious king has arrived, News of victory and good tidings has reached the sun and moon. The beauty of fortune has cast aside the veil of adversity, The perfection of justice has come to the cry of the suppliant. The celestial sphere, …

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O companions, remember the companion of the night, Ghazal 241 by Hafez

O companions, remember the companion of the night, Ghazal 241 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 17, 2024
O companions, remember the companion of the night, Ghazal 241 by Hafez

By hamed on September 17, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

معاشران ز حریفِ شبانه یاد آرید *** حقوقِ بندگیِ مخلصانه یاد آرید


به وَجهِ مرحمت ای ساکنانِ صدرِ جلال *** ز رویِ حافظ و این آستانه یاد آرید

English Translation: O companions, remember the companion of the night, Remember the rights of sincere servitude. At the time of joy, remember the sighs and wails of lovers, With the sound and melody of the lute and tambourine. When the grace of wine reveals itself on the wine server's face, …

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