
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

The cloud of the month of Azar has risen, the wind of Nowruz blows, Ghazal 240 by Hafez

The cloud of the month of Azar has risen, the wind of Nowruz blows, Ghazal 240 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 16, 2024
The cloud of the month of Azar has risen, the wind of Nowruz blows, Ghazal 240 by Hafez

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ابرِ آذاری برآمد بادِ نوروزی وزید *** وَجهِ مِی می‌خواهم و مُطرب، که می‌گوید رسید؟


تیرِ عاشق‌کُش ندانم بر دلِ حافظ که زد *** این قَدَر دانم که از شعرِ تَرَش خون می‌چکید

English Translation: The cloud of the month of Azar has risen, the wind of Nowruz blows, I desire the face of wine and a musician who announces its arrival. The beautiful ones are radiant, and I am ashamed of my poverty, The burden of love and poverty is difficult, it …

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News has arrived that spring has come and the grass has sprouted, Ghazal 239 by Hafez

News has arrived that spring has come and the grass has sprouted, Ghazal 239 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 16, 2024
News has arrived that spring has come and the grass has sprouted, Ghazal 239 by Hafez

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

رسید مژده که آمد بهار و سبزه دمید *** وظیفه گر برسد، مصرفش گُل است و نَبید


بهار می‌گذرد دادگسترا دریاب *** که رفت موسم و حافظ هنوز مِی نچشید

English Translation: News has arrived that spring has come and the grass has sprouted, If duty arrives, its consumption is flowers and wine. The bird’s song has arisen, where is the wine flask? The nightingale cries out, what veil has the flower drawn? What pleasure from heavenly fruits can one …

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The world has drawn a kohl-lined crescent on the brow of Eid, Ghazal 238 by Hafez Shirazi

The world has drawn a kohl-lined crescent on the brow of Eid, Ghazal 238 by Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on September 16, 2024
The world has drawn a kohl-lined crescent on the brow of Eid, Ghazal 238 by Hafez Shirazi

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

جهان بر ابرویِ عید از هِلال وَسمه کشید *** هِلال عید در ابرویِ یار باید دید


ز شوقِ رویِ تو حافظ نوشت حرفی چند *** بخوان ز نظمش و در گوش کن چو مروارید

English Translation: The world has drawn a kohl-lined crescent on the brow of Eid, But the crescent of Eid should be seen on my beloved's brow. My stature, like the back of a crescent, has become bent, As my beloved's eyebrow has drawn itself out like kohl. Perhaps the morning …

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My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Ghazal 237 by Hafez

My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Ghazal 237 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 16, 2024
My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Ghazal 237 by Hafez

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

نفس برآمد و کام از تو بر نمی‌آید *** فغان که بختِ من از خواب در نمی‌آید


ز بس که شد دلِ حافظ رمیده از همه کس *** کنون ز حلقهٔ زلفت به در نمی‌آید

English Translation: My breath escapes, yet my desire for you does not fade, Alas, my fortune does not awaken from sleep. The morning breeze has cast dust from your path into my eyes, So that the water of life does not appear in my sight. Until I embrace your tall …

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If that celestial bird returns through my door, Ghazal 236 by Hafez

If that celestial bird returns through my door, Ghazal 236 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 16, 2024
If that celestial bird returns through my door, Ghazal 236 by Hafez

By hamed on September 16, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر آن طایرِ قدسی ز دَرَم بازآید *** عمرِ بگذشته به پیرانه سرم بازآید


آرزومندِ رخِ شاهِ چو ماهم حافظ *** همتی تا به سلامت ز درم بازآید

English Translation: If that celestial bird returns through my door, The years that have passed will return to my aged head. I have hope in these tears like rain, that once more The flash of fortune that left my sight will return. The one whose crown of my head was …

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Blessed is the time when my beloved returns, Ghazal 235 by Hafez Shirazi

Blessed is the time when my beloved returns, Ghazal 235 by Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on September 15, 2024
Blessed is the time when my beloved returns, Ghazal 235 by Hafez Shirazi

By hamed on September 15, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

زهی خجسته زمانی که یار بازآید *** به کامِ غمزدگان غمگُسار بازآید


ز نقش بندِ قضا هست امید آن حافظ *** که همچو سرو به دستم نگار بازآید

English Translation: Blessed is the time when my beloved returns, To soothe the sorrows of the sorrowful. With the black-eyed steed, I have drawn near to the procession of her imagination, Hoping that that noble one will return. If not, let my head go into the curve of her polo …

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When the sun of wine rises from the east of the goblet, Ghazal 234 by Hafez

When the sun of wine rises from the east of the goblet, Ghazal 234 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 15, 2024
When the sun of wine rises from the east of the goblet, Ghazal 234 by Hafez

By hamed on September 15, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

چو آفتاب مِی از مشرقِ پیاله برآید *** ز باغِ عارِضِ ساقی هزار لاله برآید


نسیمِ زلفِ تو چون بگذرد به تربتِ حافظ *** ز خاکِ کالبدش صد هزار لاله برآید

English Translation: When the sun of wine rises from the east of the goblet, A thousand tulips will bloom from the garden of the wine server's cheek. The breeze will break the hyacinth's bud in the flower's head, When the scent of that bud rises from the meadow. The tale …

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I will not cease from seeking until my desire is fulfilled, Ghazal 233 by Hafez

I will not cease from seeking until my desire is fulfilled, Ghazal 233 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 15, 2024
I will not cease from seeking until my desire is fulfilled, Ghazal 233 by Hafez

By hamed on September 15, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دست از طلب ندارم تا کامِ من برآید *** یا تن رسد به جانان یا جان ز تن برآید


گویند ذکرِ خیرش در خیلِ عشقبازان *** هر جا که نامِ حافظ در انجمن برآید

English Translation: I will not cease from seeking until my desire is fulfilled, Either my body reaches my beloved, or my soul leaves my body. After my death, open my grave and see, How smoke rises from my shroud from the fire within. Reveal your face so that people may …

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I’m determined to do something to end my sorrow, Ghazal 232 by Hafez

I’m determined to do something to end my sorrow, Ghazal 232 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 15, 2024
I’m determined to do something to end my sorrow, Ghazal 232 by Hafez

By hamed on September 15, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بر سرِ آنم که گر ز دست برآید *** دست به‌کاری زنم که غصّه سرآید


غفلتِ حافظ در این سراچه عجب نیست *** هر که به میخانه رفت بی‌خبر آید

I’m determined to do something to end my sorrow, If I can manage it I will do it somehow. The solitude of the heart is no place for the company of opposites, When the devil exits, the angel enters. The company of tyrants is the darkness of the longest night, …

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I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end." Ghazal 231 by Hafez

I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end." Ghazal 231 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 15, 2024
I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end." Ghazal 231 by Hafez

By hamed on September 15, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گفتم غمِ تو دارم گفتا غمَت سرآید *** گفتم که ماهِ من شو گفتا اگر برآید


گفتم زمانِ عِشرَت دیدی که چون سر آمد؟ *** گفتا خموش حافظ کـاین غصّه هم سر آید

English Translation: I said, "I have sorrow for you," she replied, "Your sorrow will end." I said, "Be my moon," she said, "If it rises." I said, "Learn the custom of loyalty from the loving," She said, "Such a thing is less common from the beautiful." I said, "I will …

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