
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024
If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps, Ghazal 230 by Hafez

By hamed on September 14, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

اگر به بادهٔ مُشکین دلم کشد، شاید *** که بویِ خیر ز زهدِ ریا نمی‌آید


به خنده گفت که حافظ خدای را مَپسَند *** که بوسهٔ تو رخِ ماه را بیالاید

English Translation: If my heart is drawn to the wine of musk, perhaps The scent of goodness does not come from hypocritical piety. If all the world forbids me from love, I will do what the Lord commands. Do not despair of the grace of generosity, for the noble character …

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Fortune shows me no sign from my beloved's lips, Ghazal 229 by Hafez

Fortune shows me no sign from my beloved's lips, Ghazal 229 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024
Fortune shows me no sign from my beloved's lips, Ghazal 229 by Hafez

By hamed on September 14, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بخت از دهانِ دوست نشانم نمی‌دهد *** دولت خبر ز رازِ نهانم نمی‌دهد


گفتم رَوَم به خواب و ببینم جمالِ دوست *** حافظ ز آه و ناله امانم نمی‌دهد

English Translation: Fortune shows me no sign from my beloved's lips, Destiny gives no news of my hidden secret. For a kiss from her lips, I would give my life, But she takes this and gives me nothing in return. I am dying in this separation, and there is no …

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What harm if I pluck a fruit from your garden? Ghazal 228 by Hafez

What harm if I pluck a fruit from your garden? Ghazal 228 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024
What harm if I pluck a fruit from your garden? Ghazal 228 by Hafez

By hamed on September 14, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گر من از باغِ تو یک میوه بچینم چه شود؟ *** پیش پایی به چراغِ تو ببینم چه شود؟


خواجه دانست که من عاشقم و هیچ نگفت *** حافظ ار نیز بداند که چُنینم چه شود؟

English Translation: What harm if I pluck a fruit from your garden? What if I see your face in the lamplight? O God, in the shade of that tall cypress, What harm if I, the burnt one, sit for a moment? Finally, O seal of Jamshid, of auspicious signs, What …

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Though this speech may not be easy for the city’s preacher, Ghazal 227 by Hafez

Though this speech may not be easy for the city’s preacher, Ghazal 227 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024
Though this speech may not be easy for the city’s preacher, Ghazal 227 by Hafez

By hamed on September 14, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گرچه بر واعظِ شهر این سخن آسان نشود *** تا ریا وَرزَد و سالوس مسلمان نشود


ذره را تا نَبُوَد همّتِ عالی حافظ *** طالبِ چشمهٔ خورشیدِ درخشان نشود

English Translation: Though this speech may not be easy for the city’s preacher, For he practices hypocrisy and will not become a true believer. Learn cunning and be generous, for it is not such a great skill, An animal that does not drink wine will not become human. A pure …

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I fear my tears will become a curtain in our grief, Ghazal 226 by Hafez

I fear my tears will become a curtain in our grief, Ghazal 226 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 14, 2024
I fear my tears will become a curtain in our grief, Ghazal 226 by Hafez

By hamed on September 14, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ترسم که اشک در غمِ ما پرده‌در شود *** وین رازِ سر به مُهر به عالَم سَمَر شود


حافظ چو نافهٔ سرِ زلفش به دستِ توست *** دَم درکش ار نه بادِ صبا را خبر شود

English Translation: I fear my tears will become a curtain in our grief, And this secret, sealed with a seal, will be revealed to the world. They say that stone becomes ruby in the realm of patience, Yes, it can, but it will become so with the blood of the …

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The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, Ghazal 225 by Hafez

The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, Ghazal 225 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024
The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, Ghazal 225 by Hafez

By hamed on September 12, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ساقی حدیثِ سرو و گل و لاله می‌رود *** وین بحث با ثَلاثهٔ غَسّاله می‌رود


حافظ ز شوقِ مجلس سلطان غیاثِ دین *** غافل مشو که کارِ تو از ناله می‌رود

English Translation: The cupbearer speaks of the cypress, rose, and tulip, And this discussion leads to the three washerwomen. Give me wine, for the bride of the meadow has reached the pinnacle of beauty, The work of this time is being carried out by the matchmaker. All the Indian parrots …

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Blessed is the heart that does not constantly seek a glance, Ghazal 224 by Hafez

Blessed is the heart that does not constantly seek a glance, Ghazal 224 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024
Blessed is the heart that does not constantly seek a glance, Ghazal 224 by Hafez

By hamed on September 12, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

خوشا دلی که مدام از پِی نظر نرود *** به هر دَرَش که بخوانند بی‌خبر نرود


بیار باده و اول به دستِ حافظ ده *** به شرطِ آن که ز مجلس سخن به در نرود

English Translation: Blessed is the heart that does not constantly seek a glance, That does not go unanswered to every door it knocks on. It was better for me not to covet those sweet lips, But how can a fly not follow sugar? Do not be troubled by the blackness …

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Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024
Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, Ghazal 223 by Hafez

By hamed on September 12, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

هرگزم نقشِ تو از لوحِ دل و جان نَرَوَد *** هرگز از یادِ من آن سروِ خرامان نَرَوَد


هر که خواهد که چو حافظ نشود سرگردان *** دل به خوبان ندهد وز پِی ایشان نرود

English Translation: Your image will never fade from the tablet of my heart and soul, That graceful cypress will never leave my memory. From my bewildered mind, the thought of your lips, Will not go, despite the cruelty of fate and the sorrows of time. From eternity, my heart has …

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Whoever leaves your neighborhood with weariness, Ghazal 222 by Hafez

Whoever leaves your neighborhood with weariness, Ghazal 222 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024
Whoever leaves your neighborhood with weariness, Ghazal 222 by Hafez

By hamed on September 12, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

از سرِ کویِ تو هر کو به ملالت برود *** نرود کارش و آخِر به خجالت برود


حافظ از چشمهٔ حکمت به کف آور جامی *** بو که از لوحِ دلت نقشِ جهالت برود

English Translation: Whoever leaves your neighborhood with weariness, Their affairs will not prosper, and they will end up in shame. A caravan that is escorted by God’s protection, Will sit in splendor and go in grandeur. The traveler will find the path to the beloved with the light of guidance, …

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When I reach for her locks, they sway with a toss, Ghazal 221 by Hafez

When I reach for her locks, they sway with a toss, Ghazal 221 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 12, 2024
When I reach for her locks, they sway with a toss, Ghazal 221 by Hafez

By hamed on September 12, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

چو دست بر سرِ زلفش زنم به تاب رَوَد *** ور آشتی طلبم با سرِ عِتاب رَوَد


حجابِ راه تویی حافظ از میان برخیز *** حجابِ راه تویی حافظ از میان برخیز

English Translation: When I reach for her locks, they sway with a toss, And if I seek peace, she meets me with reproach. Like the new moon, a sight for the unfortunate, She hides behind her eyebrow and veil. She turns my wine-soaked night into wakefulness, And if I complain …

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