
Robaei is a Persian poetic form that consists of a quatrain, or four lines, with a rhyme scheme of either AABA or AAAA. The word ruba’i means “four” in Arabic, and the plural form of ruba’i is rubaiyat, which is often used to refer to a collection of quatrains.

Some famous examples of rubaiyat are the ones attributed to Omar Khayyam, a 12th-century Persian poet, mathematician, and astronomer. His quatrains were translated into English by Edward FitzGerald in the 19th century, and became very popular and influential in Western literature

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Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @hamed on July 27, 2024

Quatrain 78 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed

دهقان قضا بسی چو ما کشت و درود

غم خوردن بیهوده نمی‌دارد سود

پر کن قدح می به کفم درنه زود

تا باز خورم که بودنی‌ها همه بود


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the reaper of death, the futility of sorrow, and the impermanence of life contribute to the poem's depth and complexity.

English Translation

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Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @hamed on July 27, 2024

Quatrain 77 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed

در دهر هر آن‌که نیم‌نانی دارد

از بهر نشست آشیانی دارد

نه خادم کس بود نه مخدوم کسی

گو شاد بزی که خوش‌جهانی دارد


A Note About This Quatrain

Who is the happiest in this world? Who has his basic needs fulfilled without the need of being slave to anyone (or work for someone) or have someone that works for him (because of responsibilities).

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical …

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Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @hamed on July 27, 2024

Quatrain 76 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed

در دهر چو آواز گل تازه دهند

فرمای بتا که می به‌اندازه دهند

از حور و قصور و ز بهشت و دوزخ

فارغ بنشین که آن هر آوازه دهند


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the rose's song, the beloved's command, and the concepts of heaven and hell contribute to the poem's depth and complexity.

English Translation

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Quatrain 75 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 75 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 75 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

حیی که به قدرت سر و رو می‌سازد

همواره همو کار عدو می‌سازد

گویند قرابه‌گر مسلمان نبود

او را تو چه گویی که کدو می‌سازد


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the potter creating and destroying, the question of the potter's faith, and the metaphor of the gourd contribute to the poem's depth …

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Quatrain 74 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 74 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 74 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

چون روزی و عمر بیش و کم نتوان کرد

دل را به کم و بیش دژم نتوان کرد

کار من و تو چنان‌که رای من و توست

از موم به دست خویش هم نتوان کرد


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of days and life as fixed quantities, the concept of contentment, and the idea of fate versus free will contribute to the poem's …

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Quatrain 73 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 73 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 73 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

تا زهره و مه در آسمان گشت پدید

بهتر ز می ناب کسی هیچ ندید

من در عجبم ز می‌فروشان کایشان

به زآن‌که فروشند چه خواهند خرید


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the celestial bodies, the concept of wine as a metaphor for life, and the question of what the wine sellers themselves desire …

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Quatrain 72 from Rubaiyat of Omarf Khayyam

Quatrain 72 from Rubaiyat of Omarf Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 72 from Rubaiyat of Omarf Khayyam

By admin @admin

تا راهِ قلندری نپویی نشود

رخساره به خونِ دل نشویی نشود

سودا چه پزی؟ تا که چو دل‌سوختگان

آزاد به تَرکِ خود نگویی نشود


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the dervish path, the cleansing of the soul through suffering, and the concept of true freedom contribute to the poem's depth and …

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Quatrain 71 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 71 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 71 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

تا چند اسیر رنگ و بو خواهی شد

چند از پی هر زشت و نکو خواهی شد

گر چشمهٔ زمزمی و گر آب حیات

آخر به دل خاک فروخواهی شد


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of being a prisoner to colors and scents, the pursuit of beauty and ugliness, and the ultimate fate of returning to dust contribute …

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Quatrain 70 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 70 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 70 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

بر من قلم قضا چو بی من رانند

پس نیک و بدش ز من چرا می‌دانند

دی بی من و امروز چو دی بی من و تو

فردا به چه حجتم به داور خوانند


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of a pen writing one's fate, the concepts of good and evil, and the idea of judgment day contribute to the poem's depth …

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Quatrain 69 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 69 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 69 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

بر چشم تو عالم ارچه می‌آرایند

مگرای بدان که عاقلان نگرایند

بسیار چو تو روند و بسیار آیند

بربای نصیب خویش کت بربایند


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the world as a stage, the concept of wisdom, and the impermanence of life contribute to the poem's depth and complexity.

English …

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Quatrain 68 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 68 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 68 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

بر چرخ فلک هیچ کسی چیر نشد

وز خوردن آدمی زمین سیر نشد

مغرور بدانی که نخورده‌ست تو را

تعجیل مکن هم بخورَد دیر نشد


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of the celestial sphere, the cyclical nature of life, and the concept of fate contribute to the poem's depth and complexity.

English Translation

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Quatrain 67 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 67 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @admin on July 26, 2024

Quatrain 67 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By admin @admin

بر پشت من از زمانه تو می‌آید

وز من همه کار نانکو می‌آید

جان عزم رحیل کرد و گفتم بمرو

گفتا چه کنم خانه فرومی‌آید


A Note About This Quatrain

This particular rubai of Omar Khayyam is rich in philosophical and existential undertones, making a direct, literal translation quite challenging. The imagery of time passing, the concept of regret, and the metaphor of a house collapsing contribute to the poem's depth and complexity.

English Translation

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