
Robaei is a Persian poetic form that consists of a quatrain, or four lines, with a rhyme scheme of either AABA or AAAA. The word ruba’i means “four” in Arabic, and the plural form of ruba’i is rubaiyat, which is often used to refer to a collection of quatrains.

Some famous examples of rubaiyat are the ones attributed to Omar Khayyam, a 12th-century Persian poet, mathematician, and astronomer. His quatrains were translated into English by Edward FitzGerald in the 19th century, and became very popular and influential in Western literature

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Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @hamed on July 25, 2024

Quatrain 2 from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed

چون عهده نمی شود کسی فردا را

حالی خوش دار این دل پر سودا را

می نوش به ماهتاب ای ماه که ماه

بسیار بتابد و نیابد نیابد ما را


A more literal translation

Since no one can promise tomorrow,
Cherish this hopeful heart of yours.

Drink to the moonlight, oh Moon, for the Moon
Shines so brightly, yet finds us not.

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Quatrain One from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Quatrain One from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By @hamed on July 25, 2024

Quatrain One from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

By hamed @hamed

برخیز بیا بتاز بهر دل ما

حل کن بجمال خویشتن مشکل ما

یک کوزه شراب تا بهم نوش کنیم

زان پیش که کوزه‌ها کنند از گل ما


English translation:
“Arise, come, let us hasten to our hearts’ desire,
Resolve our problems with your beauty’s fire.
Let’s share a jug of wine before it’s too late,
Before our own bodies turn to clay and fate.”

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you took my everything

you took my everything

By @hamed on February 07, 2024

you took my everything

By hamed @hamed

I loved you with all my heart, I loved you with all my soul

You were my life, you were my goal, you were my everything

But you left me without a word, you left me without a trace

You took my love, you took my soul, you took my everything


Love yourself first then the other

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I gave her all my life

I gave her all my life

By @hamed on February 07, 2024

I gave her all my life

By hamed @hamed

I gave her all my love and care, I gave her all my life

I sacrificed my wealth and fame, I made her my wife

But she betrayed me and left me, she stabbed me with a knife

She was not worth it, she was not fair, she was my biggest strife


Love yourself first, then the other

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They called it the last war, but we said no

They called it the last war, but we said no

By @hamed on February 07, 2024

They called it the last war, but we said no

By hamed @hamed

They called it the last war, but we said no

We chose to love, not to kill our foe

We joined our hands and raised our voice

We made a new world, a peaceful choice


In the future, hopefully, comes a day when the old bloodthirsty old ruler would not find enough young soldiers to fight their pointless wars.

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Simple Robaei IV

Simple Robaei IV

By @hamed on February 04, 2024

Simple Robaei IV

By hamed @hamed

The sun sets and the moon rises in the sky

The stars shine and the night birds sing their cry

But none of these can compare to your beauty

You are the light of my life, my love, my joy


Simple Robaei to showcase Robaei Poem Form in Persian literature

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Simple Robaei III

Simple Robaei III

By @hamed on February 04, 2024

Simple Robaei III

By hamed @hamed

The spring has come and the flowers bloom with grace

The birds and bees rejoice and fill the air with pace

But none of these can match the sweetness of your face

You are the source of my delight, my love, my solace


Simple Robaei to showcase Robaei Poem Form in Persian literature

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Simple Robaei II

Simple Robaei II

By @hamed on February 04, 2024

Simple Robaei II

By hamed @hamed

The winter has gone and the spring is in the air

The trees and flowers blossom and spread their flair

But none of these can surpass the charm of your hair

You are the crown of my delight, my love, my heir


Simple Robaei to showcase Robaei Poem Form in Persian literature

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Simple Robaei I

Simple Robaei I

By @hamed on February 04, 2024

Simple Robaei I

By hamed @hamed

The autumn leaves fall and the wind blows cold

The days grow short and the nights unfold

But none of these can dim the warmth of your hold

You are the fire of my heart, my love, my gold


A simple Robaei to showcase Robaei Poem form In Persian literature

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