
List of Ghazals on Saraye Sokhan platform.

The vow we made together, suddenly shattered and broken

by @admin

64 0

This ghazal explores the pain and anguish of a lover betrayed by their beloved. The poet laments the broken vow and the cruelty of their partner who chose another. The imagery of the "bloodshot eyes" and "flowing tears" vividly portrays the depth of their emotional distress. The final couplet emphasizes …


For one who cannot endure patience and contentment, Ghazal 135 by Saadi

by @hamed

64 0

In this ghazal, Saadi reflects on the themes of love, devotion, and the fleeting nature of time. He contrasts the suffering of a devoted lover with the indifference of the beloved, exploring the pain of unrequited love and the perseverance of the heart. Saadi advises cherishing moments with loved ones …


A heart that roamed always near the edge of danger, Ghazal 134 by Saadi

by @hamed

67 0

In this ghazal, Saadi paints a vivid picture of a heart consumed by the intoxicating chaos of love. The heart recklessly dances near danger, ignoring reason and embracing turmoil. Despite countless sorrows and warnings, it continues to chase love, abandoning logic and self-preservation. Saadi captures the futility of advising a …


Last night, the thought of your face wandered through my mind, Ghazal 133 by Saadi

by @hamed

66 0

In this ghazal, Saadi delves into the depths of love’s agony and sorrow. He reflects on the haunting vision of his beloved's face and the profound despair it evokes. The imagery of a wounded bird, blood-stained sighs, and tears soaking the earth portrays his emotional torment. Saadi’s cries of anguish …


When the cloud of your hair encircled the moon’s glow, Ghazal 132 by Saadi

by @hamed

67 0

In this elegant ghazal, Saadi masterfully blends the beauty of nature with the agony of love. The poet compares his beloved's hair to a cloud surrounding the moon and laments how tears stream from his eyes in longing. Even the bitterness of rejection becomes a sweet solace when compared to …


Last night, that stone-hearted beloved left me distraught, Ghazal 131 by Saadi

by @hamed

61 0

In this poignant ghazal, Saadi Shirazi reflects on the torment and ecstasy of love. The poet describes the emotional upheaval caused by his beloved, who has captivated both his heart and soul. Using vivid imagery of tears like coral and a bud clutching its collar, Saadi portrays the shared agony …


Last night, far from your face, O soul, my soul burned with grief, Ghazal 130 by Saadi

by @hamed

67 0

This ghazal captures Saadi Shirazi's intense longing and anguish in the absence of the beloved. The poet conveys the overpowering nature of love, which renders reason helpless and leaves the heart in turmoil. Saadi’s devotion is unwavering, with the beloved's name etched in his soul as a symbol of worship. …


A true king is one whose company is sweet delight, Ghazal 129 by Saadi

by @hamed

73 0

This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi celebrates the sweetness of companionship, the unparalleled beauty of the beloved, and the poet's unwavering devotion. Saadi contrasts worldly pleasures and idols with the divine charm of his beloved, whose presence surpasses all. He reflects on the transformative power of love, which elevates the humble …


No beloved compares to my Turk in charm and grace, Ghazal 128 by Saadi

by @hamed

75 0

This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi is a vivid portrayal of love's intensity and the beloved's unmatched beauty and charm. Saadi paints the beloved as a captivating figure with curls like rings and glances sharp enough to defeat armies. He laments lost opportunities for union, blaming fate rather than lack of …


I have no heart left that is not a ball for the curve of your mallet, Ghazal 127 by Saadi

by @hamed

48 0

This ghazal by Saadi Shirazi captures the essence of a lover's complete surrender to the beloved. The poet portrays the beloved as possessing unparalleled beauty, grace, and divine qualities, leaving the lover utterly captivated and powerless. Saadi describes the beloved's mesmerizing attributes, comparing them to divine mercy and the water …


There is none on earth comparable to you, Ghazal 126 by Saadi

by @hamed

47 0

This ghazal by Saadi celebrates the beauty and charm of the beloved, portraying them as unparalleled in the world. The poet compares their radiance to the moon and their elegance to the cypress, only to declare that none measures up to their magnificence. Saadi describes how the beloved captures every …


I know no one in this town who is not captivated by you, Ghazal 125 by Saadi

by @hamed

49 0

In this ghazal, Saadi eloquently expresses the irresistible allure of the beloved, portraying them as a figure of unmatched beauty and charm. The poem highlights the universal admiration they inspire and the helplessness of those who fall under their spell. Saadi explores themes of devotion, longing, and unworthiness, contrasting the …
