
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez

At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 29, 2024
At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden, Ghazal 295 by Hafez

By hamed on September 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

سَحَر به بویِ گلستان دَمی شدم در باغ *** که تا چو بلبلِ بیدل کُنَم عِلاجِ دِماغ


نشاط و عیش و جوانی چو گُل غنیمت دان *** که حافظا نَبُوَد بر رسول غیر بَلاغ

English Translation: At dawn, I went to the garden to breathe the scent of the rose garden So that like a lovelorn nightingale, I could cure my heartache. I gazed at the radiant beauty of the red rose Which shone like a lamp in the dark night. So proud of …

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I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez

I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 29, 2024
I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle, Ghazal 294 by Hafez

By hamed on September 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در وفایِ عشقِ تو مشهورِ خوبانم چو شمع *** شب‌نشینِ کویِ سربازان و رِندانم چو شمع


آتشِ مِهر تو را حافظ عجب در سر گرفت *** آتشِ دل، کِی به آبِ دیده بِنْشانم چو شمع

English Translation: I’m known among the beautiful for my loyalty in love, like a candle A night-dweller in the alley of the soldiers and the outlaws, like a candle Day and night, sleep does not come to my sorrowful eyes For I weep so much in the sickness of your …

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At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez

At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 29, 2024
At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides, Ghazal 293 by Hafez

By hamed on September 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

بامدادان که ز خلوتگَهِ کاخِ اِبداع *** شمعِ خاور فِکَنَد بر همه اطراف شُعاع


مَظهَرِ لطفِ ازل، روشنی چشمِ اَمَل *** جامعِ علم و عمل جانِ جهان، شاه شجاع

English Translation: At dawn, when the eastern lamp shines its rays on all sides From the secluded palace of creation, A mirror rises from the pocket of the celestial sphere, And shows the face of the universe in a thousand forms. In the corners of Jamshid's celestial tavern, Venus plays …

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I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez

I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 29, 2024
I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja, Ghazal 292 by Hafez

By hamed on September 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

قسم به حشمت و جاه و جلالِ شاه شجاع *** که نیست با کَسَم از بهرِ مال و جاه نزاع


جبین و چهرهٔ حافظ خدا جدا مَکُناد *** ز خاکِ بارگه کبریایِ شاه شجاع

English Translation: I swear by the majesty, power, and glory of King Shoja That I have no quarrel with anyone for wealth or status. Bring me the wine of my home, the wine of the Magi, O companion of repentance and farewell, the time for wine has come. For God's …

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We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez

We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 29, 2024
We have tested our fortune in this city, Ghazal 291 by Hafez

By hamed on September 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ما آزموده‌ایم در این شهر بختِ خویش *** بیرون کشید باید از این وَرطه رَختِ خویش


ای حافظ ار مراد مُیَسَّر شدی مدام *** جمشید نیز دور نماندی ز تخت خویش

English Translation: We have tested our fortune in this city, We must pull our garments out of this whirlpool. From biting my lips and sighing so much, I've set myself on fire, piece by piece, like a flower. Last night, a nightingale sang so sweetly, With its ears wide open, …

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My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, Ghazal 290 by Hafez

My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, Ghazal 290 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 28, 2024
My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, Ghazal 290 by Hafez

By hamed on September 28, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دلم رمیده شد و غافلم منِ درویش *** که آن شِکاریِ سرگشته را چه آمد پیش


بدان کمر نرسد دستِ هر گدا حافظ *** خزانه‌ای به کف آور ز گنجِ قارون بیش

English Translation: My heart has wandered, and I, the poor one, am oblivious, What has become of that bewildered hunter? I tremble like a willow over my faith, For my heart is in the hands of the bow of a faithless eyebrow. My imagination cooks up the patience of the …

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Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, Ghazal 289 by Hafez

Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, Ghazal 289 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 28, 2024
Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, Ghazal 289 by Hafez

By hamed on September 28, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مَجمَعِ خوبی و لطف است عِذار چو مَهَش *** لیکَنَش مِهر و وفا نیست خدایا بِدَهَش


جان به شکرانه کنم صرف گَر آن دانهٔ دُر *** صدفِ سینهٔ حافظ بُوَد آرامگَهَش

English Translation: Her face is a gathering of beauty and grace, like the moon, But alas, she has no love or loyalty, O God, give it to her. My beloved is a witness and a child, and she plays with me daily, She kills me, yet there is no sin …

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Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, Ghazal 288 by Hafez

Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, Ghazal 288 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 28, 2024
Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, Ghazal 288 by Hafez

By hamed on September 28, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

کنارِ آب و پایِ بید و طبعِ شعر و یاری خوش *** معاشر دلبری شیرین و ساقی گُلعِذاری خوش


به غفلت عمر شُد حافظ، بیا با ما به میخانه *** که شنگولانِ خوش باشت، بیاموزند کاری خوش

English Translation: Beside the water, beneath the willow tree, with poetry and a pleasant companion, A circle of sweet lovers and a wine-serving rosebud are delightful. O fortunate fortune, who knows the value of time, May you enjoy this pleasure that you have for a lifetime. Whoever has a heart …

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Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, Ghazal 287 by Hafez

Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, Ghazal 287 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 28, 2024
Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, Ghazal 287 by Hafez

By hamed on September 28, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای همه شکلِ تو مَطبوع و همه جایِ تو خوش *** دلم از عشوهٔ شیرینِ شِکرخایِ تو خوش


در بیابانِ طلب گرچه ز هر سو خطریست *** می‌رود حافظِ بی‌دل به تَوَلّایِ تو خوش

English Translation: Every aspect of you is pleasing, every part of you is delightful, My heart is happy with the sweet coquetry of your sugar-sweet lips. Your existence is as delicate as a rose petal, Your entire form is as graceful as a cypress in the garden of paradise. Your …

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Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, Ghazal 286 by Hafez

Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, Ghazal 286 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 28, 2024
Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, Ghazal 286 by Hafez

By hamed on September 28, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش با من گفت پنهان کاردانی تیزهوش *** وز شما پنهان نشاید کرد سِرِّ مِی‌فروش


ساقیا مِی ده که رندی‌هایِ حافظ فهم کرد *** آصِفِ صاحب‌قرانِ جرم‌بخشِ عیب‌پوش

English Translation: Last night, a wise and cunning confidant told me, "You cannot hide the secret of the wine seller from me." He said, "Take things easy, for the world becomes difficult For those who work hard." And then he handed me a cup, whose radiance caused Venus To dance …

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