
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, Ghazal 180 by Hafez Shirazi

O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, Ghazal 180 by Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on August 30, 2024
O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, Ghazal 180 by Hafez Shirazi

By hamed on August 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

ای پستهٔ تو خنده زده بر حدیثِ قند *** مشتاقم از برای خدا یک شِکَر بخند


حافظ چو تَرکِ غمزهٔ تُرکان نمی‌کنی *** دانی کجاست جای تو؟ خوارزم یا خُجَند

English Translation: O pistachio of your smile that has mocked the tale of sugar, I long to see you smile sweetly, for God's sake. The tree of life cannot breathe from your stature, I shall pass over this story, for the speech becomes long. If you wish that a river …

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Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 30, 2024
Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Ghazal 179 by Hafez

By hamed on August 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

رسید مژده که ایّامِ غم نخواهد ماند *** چنان نماند چنین نیز هم نخواهد ماند


ز مهربانیِ جانان طمع مَبُر حافظ *** که نقشِ جور و نشانِ ستم نخواهد ماند

English Translation: Good tidings have arrived that the days of sorrow will not endure, Such as it is, it will not remain so, nor will it remain that way. Although I have become humble in my beloved's eyes, Even my rival will not remain so respected. Like a curtain-drawer who …

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Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, Ghazal 178 by Hafez

Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, Ghazal 178 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 30, 2024
Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, Ghazal 178 by Hafez

By hamed on August 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

هر که شد مَحرمِ دل در حرمِ یار بِمانْد *** وان که این کار ندانست در انکار بِمانْد


به تماشاگَهِ زلفش دلِ حافظ روزی *** شد که بازآید و جاوید گرفتار بِمانْد

English Translation: Whoever becomes the confidant of the heart in the beloved's sanctuary will remain, And whoever doesn't know this art will remain in denial. If my heart has slipped out from behind the veil, do not blame it, Thank God that it did not remain hidden in the veil …

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Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Ghazal 177 by Hafez Shirazi

Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Ghazal 177 by Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on August 30, 2024
Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Ghazal 177 by Hafez Shirazi

By hamed on August 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

نه هر که چهره برافروخت دلبری داند *** نه هر که آینه سازد سِکندری داند


ز شعرِ دلکَشِ حافظ کسی بُوَد آگاه *** که لطفِ طبع و سخن گفتنِ دَری داند

English Translation: Not every one who lights up a face knows how to be a lover, Not everyone who makes a mirror knows the ways of Alexander. Not everyone who tilts their hat and sits haughtily Knows the art of hat-wearing and the manner of a lord. Do not serve …

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At dawn, the fortune of wakefulness came to my bedside, Ghazal 176 by Hafez

At dawn, the fortune of wakefulness came to my bedside, Ghazal 176 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 30, 2024
At dawn, the fortune of wakefulness came to my bedside, Ghazal 176 by Hafez

By hamed on August 30, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

سَحَرم دولتِ بیدار به بالین آمد *** گفت برخیز که آن خسرو شیرین آمد


چون صبا گفتهٔ حافظ بشنید از بلبل *** عَنبرافشان به تماشایِ ریاحین آمد

English Translation: At dawn, the fortune of wakefulness came to my bedside, Saying, "Arise, for that sweet king has come." Take a cup and wander joyfully to see, How your beloved has come in what manner. Give good tidings, O solitary, gentle breeze, That the musk deer from the desert …

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The spring breeze came bearing tidings of joy for the old wine-seller, Ghazal 175 by Hafez

The spring breeze came bearing tidings of joy for the old wine-seller, Ghazal 175 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024
The spring breeze came bearing tidings of joy for the old wine-seller, Ghazal 175 by Hafez

By hamed on August 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

صبا به تهنیتِ پیرِ مِی‌فروش آمد *** که موسمِ طرب و عیش و ناز و نوش آمد


ز خانقاه به میخانه می‌رود حافظ *** مگر ز مستیِ زهدِ ریا به هوش آمد

English Translation: The spring breeze came bearing tidings of joy for the old wine-seller, For the season of mirth, pleasure, elegance, and sweet drink has arrived. The air has become like the breath of Christ, and the wind blows gently, The trees have turned green, and the birds are singing …

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Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024
Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, Ghazal 174 by Hafez

By hamed on August 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مژده ای دل که دگر بادِ صبا بازآمد *** هدهد خوش‌خبر از طَرْفِ سبا بازآمد


گرچه حافظ دَرِ رَنجِش زد و پیمان بِشکست *** لطفِ او بین که به لطف از درِ ما بازآمد

English Translation: Good tidings, O heart, for the spring breeze has returned, The sweet-singing hoopoe has returned from the land of Saba. Soar, O bird of dawn, and sing the song of David once more, For the Solomon of flowers has returned with the wind. Where is the mystic who …

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During my prayer, the curve of your eyebrow came to mind, Ghazal 173 by Hafez

During my prayer, the curve of your eyebrow came to mind, Ghazal 173 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024
During my prayer, the curve of your eyebrow came to mind, Ghazal 173 by Hafez

By hamed on August 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در نمازم خَمِ ابرویِ تو با یاد آمد *** حالتی رفت که محراب به فریاد آمد


مطرب از گفتهٔ حافظ غزلی نَغز بخوان *** تا بگویم که ز عهدِ طربم یاد آمد

English Translation: During my prayer, the curve of your eyebrow came to mind, A state arose that caused the prayer niche to cry out. Expect no more patience, heart, or mind from me now, For that endurance you saw has all vanished into thin air. The wine is clear, and …

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Your love became a sapling of wonder, Ghazal 172 by Hafez

Your love became a sapling of wonder, Ghazal 172 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024
Your love became a sapling of wonder, Ghazal 172 by Hafez

By hamed on August 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

عشقِ تو نهالِ حیرت آمد *** وصلِ تو کمالِ حیرت آمد


سر تا قدمِ وجودِ حافظ *** در عشق، نهالِ حیرت آمد

English Translation: Your love became a sapling of wonder, Your union, the pinnacle of wonder. So immersed in the state of union at last, I also reached the state of wonder. Show me one heart that on its path, Didn't have a mole of wonder on its face. Neither union …

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Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

By @hamed on August 29, 2024
Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, Ghazal 171 by Hafez

By hamed on August 29, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش از جنابِ آصف، پیکِ بشارت آمد *** کز حضرتِ سلیمان، عشرت اشارت آمد


دریاست مجلسِ او، دَریاب وقت و دُر یاب *** هان ای زیان‌رسیده، وقتِ تجارت آمد

English Translation: Yesterday, a messenger of good tidings came from the presence of Asaf, From the court of Solomon, a sign of joy arrived. Turn the dust of our existence into mud with tears of our eyes, For it is time to rebuild the ruined mansion of the heart. This …

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