
The ghazal is a highly revered poetic form in Persian literature, renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth. Originating in Arabic, it was later adopted and perfected by Persian poets. Characterized by its distinctive structure of couplets, each ending with the same rhyme and refrain, the ghazal often explores themes of love, loss, longing, and spirituality. While traditionally associated with romantic love, the ghazal's power lies in its ability to transcend literal meaning, inviting multiple interpretations. Masters like Rumi and Hafez elevated the ghazal to new heights, making it an enduring and influential poetic tradition.

Blood from my heart’s eye flows constantly over my face, Ghazal 220 by Hafez

Blood from my heart’s eye flows constantly over my face, Ghazal 220 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 09, 2024
Blood from my heart’s eye flows constantly over my face, Ghazal 220 by Hafez

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

از دیده خونِ دل همه بر رویِ ما رَوَد *** بر رویِ ما ز دیده چه گویم چه‌ها رَوَد


حافظ به کوی میکده دایم به صدقِ دل *** چون صوفیانِ صومعه دار از صفا رود

English Translation: Blood from my heart’s eye flows constantly over my face, What shall I say of what else flows from my eye over my face? We have a secret hope hidden within our hearts, If our heart goes with the wind, that hope will go with it. The eastern …

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Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, Ghazal 219 by Hafez

Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, Ghazal 219 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 09, 2024
Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, Ghazal 219 by Hafez

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

کنون که در چمن آمد گُل از عَدَم به وجود *** بنفشه در قدمِ او نهاد سر به سجود


بُوَد که مجلس حافظ به یمن تربیتش *** هر آنچه می‌طلبد جمله باشدش موجود

English Translation: Now that the flower has come into existence from nothingness in the meadow, The violet has bowed its head in prostration at its feet. Drink a cup of morning wine to the sound of the tambourine and lute, Kiss the cupbearer's cup to the melody of the ney …

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Whoever from eternity was granted the bounty of fortune, Ghazal 218 by Hafez

Whoever from eternity was granted the bounty of fortune, Ghazal 218 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 09, 2024
Whoever from eternity was granted the bounty of fortune, Ghazal 218 by Hafez

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

در ازل هر کو به فیضِ دولت ارزانی بُوَد *** تا ابد جامِ مرادش همدمِ جانی بُوَد


دی عزیزی گفت حافظ می‌خورد پنهان شراب *** ای عزیزِ من! نه عیب آن بِه که پنهانی بود؟

English Translation: Whoever from eternity was granted the bounty of fortune, Forever the cup of their desire would be their soul's companion. The moment I asked for wine, I became repentant, I said, "If this branch gives fruit, there will be regret." I thought to myself, "I will sling my …

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I was a Muslim, when I had a heart, Ghazal 217 by Hafez

I was a Muslim, when I had a heart, Ghazal 217 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 09, 2024
I was a Muslim, when I had a heart, Ghazal 217 by Hafez

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

مسلمانان مرا وقتی دلی بود *** که با وی گفتمی گر مشکلی بود


مگو دیگر که حافظ نکته‌دان است *** که ما دیدیم و محکم جاهلی بود

English Translation: I was a Muslim, when I had a heart, With whom I would confide if there was any trouble. When I fell into a whirlpool of sorrow, I had hope for the shore through their wisdom. A sympathetic heart, a friend who saw what was best, Who was …

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That beloved, from whom our home was a place of fairies, Ghazal 216 by Hafez

That beloved, from whom our home was a place of fairies, Ghazal 216 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 09, 2024
That beloved, from whom our home was a place of fairies, Ghazal 216 by Hafez

By hamed on September 09, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

آن یار کز او خانهٔ ما جایِ پَری بود *** سر تا قدمش چون پَری از عیب بَری بود


هر گنجِ سعادت که خدا داد به حافظ *** از یُمنِ دعایِ شب و وِردِ سَحَری بود

English Translation: That beloved, from whom our home was a place of fairies, From head to foot, was as free from defect as a fairy. My heart said, “I will subdue this city with their fragrance,” Poor thing, it did not know that its beloved was on a journey. Not …

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O Lord, what a commotion was there at the tavern’s gate at dawn? Ghazal 215 by Hafez

O Lord, what a commotion was there at the tavern’s gate at dawn? Ghazal 215 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024
O Lord, what a commotion was there at the tavern’s gate at dawn? Ghazal 215 by Hafez

By hamed on September 07, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

به کویِ میکده یا رب سحر چه مشغله بود؟ *** که جوشِ شاهد و ساقی و شمع و مشعله بود


دهانِ یار که درمانِ دردِ حافظ داشت *** فغان که وقتِ مُرُوَّت چه تنگ حوصله بود

English Translation: O Lord, what a commotion was there at the tavern’s gate at dawn? A tumult of the beloved, the cupbearer, the candle, and the torch. The tale of love, which is independent of words and sound, Was expressed in the wailing of the tambourine and flute, in a …

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Last night I dreamt of holding a cup in my hand, Ghazal 214 by Hafez

Last night I dreamt of holding a cup in my hand, Ghazal 214 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024
Last night I dreamt of holding a cup in my hand, Ghazal 214 by Hafez

By hamed on September 07, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دیدم به خوابِ خوش که به دستم پیاله بود *** تعبیر رفت و کار به دولت حواله بود


آن شاهِ تندحمله که خورشیدِ شیرگیر *** پیشش به روزِ معرکه کمتر غزاله بود

English Translation: Last night I dreamt of holding a cup in my hand, The dream faded, and the matter was left to fate. For forty years we suffered pain and sorrow, and finally Our affairs were resolved by two-year-old wine. That lock of fortune I desired from fate Was in …

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The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024
The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, Ghazal 213 by Hafez

By hamed on September 07, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

گوهرِ مخزنِ اسرار همان است که بود *** حُقِّهٔ مِهر بدان مُهر و نشان است که بود


حافظا بازنما قصه خونابهٔ چشم *** که بر این چشمه همان آبِ روان است که بود

English Translation: The jewel of the treasure of secrets is what it has always been, The seal ring of love is marked with that very seal. Lovers are a group of the trustworthy, Therefore, a golden eye is what it has always been. Ask the gentle breeze, which has been …

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Last night, by chance, I’d drunk one or two cups at dawn, Ghazal 212 by Hafez

Last night, by chance, I’d drunk one or two cups at dawn, Ghazal 212 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024
Last night, by chance, I’d drunk one or two cups at dawn, Ghazal 212 by Hafez

By hamed on September 07, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

یک دو جامم دی سحرگه اتفاق افتاده بود *** وز لبِ ساقی شرابم در مَذاق افتاده بود


حافظ آن ساعت که این نظمِ پریشان می‌نوشت *** طایرِ فکرش به دامِ اشتیاق افتاده بود

English Translation: Last night, by chance, I’d drunk one or two cups at dawn, And the wine from the cupbearer’s lips had pleased my taste. With the companion of my youth, in a state of intoxication, I desired a return, but a separation had occurred. Wherever we had traveled in …

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Last night, he came with a flushed face, Ghazal 211 by Hafez

Last night, he came with a flushed face, Ghazal 211 by Hafez

By @hamed on September 07, 2024
Last night, he came with a flushed face, Ghazal 211 by Hafez

By hamed on September 07, 2024

Poet: Hafez Shirazi

دوش می‌آمد و رخساره برافروخته بود *** تا کجا باز دلِ غمزده‌ای سوخته بود


گفت و خوش گفت برو خرقه بسوزان حافظ *** یا رب این قلب‌شناسی ز که آموخته بود؟

English Translation: Last night, he came with a flushed face, To what extent had a heartbroken soul been burned? The custom of killing lovers and the way of creating chaos Was a garment he had sewn onto his form. He considered the lives of lovers to be the fuel for …

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