
Robaei is a Persian poetic form that consists of a quatrain, or four lines, with a rhyme scheme of either AABA or AAAA. The word ruba’i means “four” in Arabic, and the plural form of ruba’i is rubaiyat, which is often used to refer to a collection of quatrains.

Some famous examples of rubaiyat are the ones attributed to Omar Khayyam, a 12th-century Persian poet, mathematician, and astronomer. His quatrains were translated into English by Edward FitzGerald in the 19th century, and became very popular and influential in Western literature

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Rubaei 31 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 31 By Hafez Shirazi

By @hamed on August 12, 2024

Rubaei 31 By Hafez Shirazi

By hamed @hamed

من حاصل عمر خود ندارم جز غم

در عشق، ز نیک و بد ندارم جز غم

یک همدم باوفا ندیدم جز درد

یک مونس نامزد ندارم جز غم


Literal Translation:

I have gained nothing from my life but sorrow,
In love, from both good and bad, I've gained nothing but sorrow.
I have not found a faithful companion except pain,
I have not found a beloved companion except sorrow.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

All my life …

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Rubaei 30 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 30 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 30 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

عمری ز پی مراد ضایع دارم

وز دور فلک چیست که نافع دارم

با هر که بگفتم که تو را دوست شدم

شد دشمن من وه که چه طالع دارم


Literal Translation:

I've wasted a lifetime in pursuit of my desire,
And what benefit do I have from the celestial sphere?
Whoever I told that I loved you,
Became my enemy. Alas, what a fate I have!

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

I've spent a lifetime chasing after dreams,

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Rubaei 29 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 29 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 29 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

در آرزوی بوس و کنارت مُردم

وز حسرت لعل آبدارت مُردم

قصّه نکنم دراز، کوتاه کنم

بازآ بازآ کز انتظارت مُردم


Literal Translation:

In the longing for your kiss and beside you, I died.
And from the longing for your juicy ruby lips, I died.
I won't make a long story, I'll make it short.
Come back, come back, for I died from waiting for you.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

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Rubaei 28 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 28 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 28 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

لب باز مگیر یک زمان از لب جام

تا بستانی کام جهان از لب جام

در جام جهان چو تلخ و شیرین به هم است

این از لب یار خواه و آن از لب جام


Literal Translation:

Do not take your lips away from the lip of the cup,
So that you may fill the world's desire from the lip of the cup.
In the cup of the world, both bitterness and sweetness are mixed,
Seek this from your beloved's lips, and that from …

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Rubaei 27 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 27 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 27 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

در باغ چو شد باد صبا دایهٔ گل

بربست مشاطه‌وار پیرایهٔ گل

از سایه به خورشید اگرت هست امان

خورشیدرُخی طلب کن و سایهٔ گل


Literal Translation:

In the garden, when the gentle breeze became the nurse of the rose,
It tied the rose's adornments like a hairdresser.
If you have safety from the shade to the sun,
Seek a sun-faced one and the shade of a rose.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

When …

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Rubaei 26 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 26 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 26 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

ماهی که نظیر خود ندارد به جمال

چون جامه ز تن برکشد آن مشکین‌خال

در سینه دلش ز نازکی بتوان دید

مانندهٔ سنگ خاره در آب زلال


English translation:

A moon-faced, unique in beauty, pure and bright,
When she sheds her garment she who has black mole on face,

Within her breast her heart can be seen through her fair skin,
Like a smooth stone, sparkling in clear streams.

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Rubaei 25 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 25 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 25 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

ای دوست دل از جفای دشمن درکش

با روی نکو شراب روشن درکش

با اهل هنر گوی گریبان بگشای

وز نااهلان تمام دامن درکش


Literal Translation:

O friend, draw your heart from the enemy's cruelty.
Draw clear wine with a beautiful face.
Untie your collar with the people of art.
And completely withdraw your skirt from the unworthy.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

My friend, shield your heart from foes’ unkindness,
And savor …

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Rubaei 24 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 24 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 24 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

چشم تو که سِحرِ بابِل است استادش

یا رب که فسون‌ها برواد از یادش

آن گوش که حلقه کرد در گوش جمال

آویزهٔ دُرّ ز نظم حافظ بادش


Literal Translation:

Your eye, whose master is the magic of Babel,
O Lord, may its enchantments fade from memory.
That ear which has looped itself to the ear of beauty,
May it be adorned with a pearl from Hafez's poetry.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Your eyes, with magic …

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Rubaei 23 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 23 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 23 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

مَردی ز کَنندهٔ دَرِ خیبر پرس

اسرار کرَم ز خواجهٔ قنبر پرس

گر طالب فیض حقّ به صدقی حافظ

سر چشمهٔ آن ز ساقی کوثر پرس


Literal Translation:

A man asked the one who broke the gate of Khaybar
About the secrets of generosity from the master Qambar.
If you seek the grace of God sincerely, O Hafez,
Ask about its source from the cupbearer of the Kawthar.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

A man …

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Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

در سنبلش آویختم از روی نیاز

گفتم من سودازده را کار بساز

گفتا که لبم بگیر و زلفم بگذار

در عیش خوش‌ آویز، نه در عمر دراز


Literal Translation:

I clung to his hyacinth locks, out of need,
I said, "Please mend the affairs of this lovesick one."
He said, "Take my lips, but leave my curls alone,"
"In sweet pleasure, not in a long life."

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

In desperation, I clung to …

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Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 22 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

در سنبلش آویختم از روی نیاز

گفتم من سودازده را کار بساز

گفتا که لبم بگیر و زلفم بگذار

در عیش خوش‌ آویز، نه در عمر دراز


English Translation:

Literal Translation:

I hung on her hyacinth locks out of need,
I said, "Please make something of this lovesick one."
She said, "Take my lip and leave my curl,"
"In a pleasant life, not in a long life."

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Desperate, I …

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Rubaei 21 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 21 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 09, 2024

Rubaei 21 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

عشقِ رخِ یار، بر منِ زار مگیر

بر خسته‌دلانِ رندِ خَمّار مگیر

صوفی چو تو رسمِ رهروان می‌دانی

بر مَردمِ رند، نکته بسیار مگیر


Literal Translation:

Do not withhold the love of your face from my sorrowful one,
Do not withhold it from the weary, wine-loving rogue.
As a Sufi like you knows the customs of travelers,
Do not take many points from the roguish people.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Please don’t …

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