
Robaei is a Persian poetic form that consists of a quatrain, or four lines, with a rhyme scheme of either AABA or AAAA. The word ruba’i means “four” in Arabic, and the plural form of ruba’i is rubaiyat, which is often used to refer to a collection of quatrains.

Some famous examples of rubaiyat are the ones attributed to Omar Khayyam, a 12th-century Persian poet, mathematician, and astronomer. His quatrains were translated into English by Edward FitzGerald in the 19th century, and became very popular and influential in Western literature

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Rubaei 20 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 20 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 20 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

سیلاب گرفت گِرد ویرانهٔ عمر

وآغاز پُری نهاد پیمانهٔ عمر

بیدار شو ای خواجه که خوش خوش بکِشد

حمّال زمانه رخت از خانهٔ عمر


Literal Translation:

A flood has engulfed the ruins of life,
And begun to fill the cup of life.
Wake up, O master, for the porter of time
Will happily carry away your belongings from the house of life.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Time's flood has swept through life's …

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Rubaei 19 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 19 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 19 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

خوبانِ جهان، صید توان کرد به زَر

خوش خوش بَر از ایشان بتوان خورد به زَر

نرگس که کُلَه‌دارِ جهان است، ببین

کـ‌او نیز، چگونه سَر درآورد به زَر


Literal Translation:

The beauties of the world can be hunted with gold,
One can happily enjoy them with gold.
See the narcissus, the crown of the world,
How it too has emerged, thanks to gold.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

With gold, the world’s fair ones can be won,

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Rubaei 18 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 18 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 18 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

ایّام شباب است شراب اولیٰتر

با سبزخَطان، بادهٔ ناب اولیٰتر

عالم همه سر به سر رباطیست خراب

در جای خراب هم خراب اولیٰتر


Literal Translation:

The wine of youth is preferable,
With green-robed ones, pure wine is better.
The world is entirely a ruined inn,
In a ruined place, ruin is better.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

The wine of youth, a joy that's pure and sweet,
With youthful friends, a …

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Rubaei 17 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 17 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 17 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

از چرخ به هر گونه همی‌دار امید

وز گردش روزگار می‌لرز چو بید

گفتی که پس از سیاه رنگی نبُوَد

پس موی سیاه من چرا گشت سفید


Literal Translation:

From the celestial sphere, I always have hope,
But from the vicissitudes of time, I tremble like an aspen.
You said that after blackness, there is no color,
Then why has my black hair turned white?

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

I cling to hope, though fate …

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Rubaei 16 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 16 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 16 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

این گل ز بر همنفسی می‌آید

شادی به دلم از او بسی می‌آید

پیوسته از آن روی کنم همدمی‌اش

کز رنگ وی‌ام بوی کسی می‌آید


Literal Translation:

This flower brings companionship to my heart,
From it, much joy comes to my heart.
I constantly seek companionship from its face,
For from its color, I smell someone's scent.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

This flower, a friend to my lonely heart,
Fills me with joy …

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Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 15 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

با می به کنار جوی می‌باید بود

وز غصّه کناره‌جوی می‌باید بود

این مدّت عمر ما چو گل ده روز است

خندان لب و تازه‌روی می‌باید بود


Literal Translation:

One should be by the stream with wine,
And far away from sorrow one should strive.
This period of our life, like a flower for ten days,
Should be with a smiling face and fresh complexion.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Beside a stream, with wine, one …

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Rubaei 14 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 14 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 14 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

چون غنچهٔ گل قرابه‌پرداز شود

نرگس به هوای می قدح‌ساز شود

فارغ دل آن کسی که مانند حباب

هم در سر میخانه سرانداز شود


Literal Translation:

When the flower bud becomes a wine server,
The narcissus becomes eager to fill the cup.
Heart is free for one who, like a bubble,
Dives into the depths of the tavern.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

When the bud of love becomes a wine-bearer's art,
The …

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Rubaei 13 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 13 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 13 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

هر دوست که دَم زد زِ وفا، دشمن شد

هر پاک‌رُوی که بود، تَردامن شد

گویند شب آبِستَن و این است عجب

کـ‌او مَرد ندید، از چه آبستن شد؟


Literal Translation:

Every friend who spoke of loyalty became an enemy,
Every pure-faced one proved to be fickle.
They say she conceived at night, and this is strange,
How could she conceive without seeing a man?

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Each friend who vowed their love betrayed my …

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Rubaei 12 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 12 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 12 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

نی دولت دنیا به ستم می‌ارزد

نی لذّت مستی‌اش الم می‌ارزد

نه هفت هزار ساله شادی جهان

این محنت هفت روزه غم می‌ارزد


Literal Translation:

The wealth of the world is not worth oppression,
Nor is the pleasure of intoxication worth its pain.
Not seven thousand years of joy in the world
Are worth this seven-day tribulation of sorrow.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

The world's riches, gained through cruelty,
Are not …

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Rubaei 11 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 11 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 11 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

اوّل به وفا میِ وصالم درداد

چون مست شدم جام جفا را سرداد

پر آب دو دیده و پر از آتش، دل

خاک ره او شدم به بادم برداد


Literal Translation:

First, he gave me the wine of union,
When I was drunk, he gave me the cup of cruelty.
With eyes full of water and a heart full of fire,
I became the dust of his path, and the wind carried me away.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

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Rubaei 10 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 10 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 10 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

نی قصهٔ آن شمع چگل بتوان گفت

نی حالِ دلِ سوخته‌دل بتوان گفت

غم در دلِ تنگِ من از آن است که نیست

یک دوست که با او غمِ دل بتوان گفت


Literal Translation:

The story of that weeping candle cannot be told,
Nor can the state of this heart, burned and sore.
The sorrow in my narrow heart is from this,
That there is no friend with whom to share my heart's sorrow.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

The tale …

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Rubaei 9 By Hafez Shirazi

Rubaei 9 By Hafez Shirazi

By @admin on August 08, 2024

Rubaei 9 By Hafez Shirazi

By admin @admin

امشب ز غمت میان خون خواهم خفت

وز بستر عافیت برون خواهم خفت

باور نکنی خیال خود را بفرست

تا دَرنگرد که بی‌ تو چون خواهم خفت


Literal Translation:

Tonight, I will sleep amidst blood because of your grief,
And I will leave the bed of comfort.
If you don't believe me, send your imagination,
So it can see how I will sleep without you.

Poetic and Interpretive Translation:

Tonight, in anguish, I'll be drenched …

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